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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 6(2); 1995 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1995;6(2): 428-437.
Chol Kim, In Sool Yoo, Jun Sig Kim, Joon Pil Cho
Department of Emergency Medicine, Ajou University School of Medicine
  Published online: December 31, 1995.
Chest pain is one of the most frequent complaints for which patients seek medical attention, and the evaluation of chest pain is among the most challenging problems in emergency department. Because it has the dangers of missing the diagnosis and little objective evidence. The potential harm resulting from the improper assessment and management of the patient with this complaint is enormous. So, on the basis of cause producing the chest pain we can take advantage for rapid and accurate diagnosis. We reviewed the 616 patient's records from Jul. 1994 to Jun. 1995. The result was: Cardiac Disease 321 (52.11%) (Acute Myocardial Infarction 33.02%, Angina 30.02%, Arrhythmia 9.03%, Myocardial Disease 7.79%, etc.), Pulmonruy Disease 112 (18.18%), Psychiatric Disease 65 (10.55%), Gastrointestinal Disease 46 (7.47%), Musculoskeletal System Disease 17 (2.76%). Total Mortality Rate was 25 (4.06%) for chest pain and 7.79% in cardiac disease. Finally most common cause of chest pain was ischernic heart disease, but in Korea most of patients who suffer from chest pain did not recognize relationship between the chest pain and cardiac disease. Thus we concluded that knowledge of chest pain can be used for reducing the unexpected death and the financial costs for the diagnosis and delayed treatment, and we must advise relationship between risks of cardiac diseases and chest pain via the mass media.
Key words: Nontraumatic chest pain, Cardiac disease
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