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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 7(4); 1996 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1996;7(4): 565-574.
Ok Jun Kim, Won Ju Jung
Department of emergency medicine Kyung Hee Bundang Cha General Hospital
  Published online: December 31, 1996.
With development of economic and social state, traffic accidents and industrial injuries are increasing progressively. And unexpected disasters are also frequently seen recently. Therefore, we need well organized trauma teams and triage system for the better management of the patients. To evaluate problems in prehospital and inhospital resuscitative care, the expired patients due to multiple trauma in one general hospital were reviewed retrospectively from March 1991 to February 1995. Among 127 patients who died due to trauma, 93 patients were male(73%) and 34 patients were female(27%.The mean age of all death was 39 and the GCS(Glasgow Coma Scale) was 4.4土1.9 (mean 土SD) and the RTS(revised trauma score) was 2.82士1.4 and the ISS(injury severity score) was 25士5.5. The major cause of trauma was traffic accident(85%) and 57% of them were pedestrian injury. The main cause of death was irreversible hemorrhagic shock(73%). The patients who arrived at the emergency center over 30 minutes after onset of accident were 86%. By the TRISS(traurna & Injury Severity Score) method, the Ps(probability of survival) was 0.35土0.23. Unpredicted deaths, who died inspite of Ps ≥0.5, were 22 cases (17%). We conclude that evaluation of trauma patients using TRISS method for Ps can reduce the unpredicted deaths in well organized trauma team and center.
Key words: TRISS, Ps, GCS, RTS, ISS, Unpredicted death
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