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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 15(2); 2004 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2004;15(2): 88-94.
A Study of Facial Fracture and Associated Injuries
Jin Hyun Yoo, Jae Kwang Lee, Jong Pil Choi, Joon Seok Park
Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Konyang, Daejeon, Korea. embear@freechal.com
This study is to analyze the frequency and pattern of associated injuries in patients with facial fractures.
A retrospective method was used to study facial fracture patients visiting our emergency room from May 2002 to April 2003. The patient's age, sex, injury mechanism, location of facial fracture, and associated injuries, as well as the records of emergency procedures and emergency operations were examined.
During the research, a total number of 206 patients with facial fractures were examined. As for the injury mechanism, traffic accidents were the primary cause with 40.3%. Orbital fracture was the most common overall facial fracture (44.7%). Ninety-seven (47.1%) patients had associated injuries. Fifty-nine of those patients had head injuries, 48 had extremity injuries, 17 had chest injuries, 14 had abdominal injuries, and 13 had spine injuries. Among the facial-fracture patients, patients with maxillary fractures had the most associated injuries (95.3%). Of those associated injuries, head injuries were the most commonly reported ones (48.3%). The emergency procedures used were intubations (9) and thoracostomies (4). The emergency operations performed were craniotomies (5) and exploratory laparotomies (2). Four patients died due to brain injuries. CONCILUSION: Associated injuries often occur in patients with facial fractures. Head and extremity injuries are the most common associated injuries. We believe emergency physicians can maximize the effectiveness of their treatment of patients with facial fractures and their associated injuries through a coordinated team approach, while minimizing the complications and sequelae.
Key words: Facial bone, Fracture
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