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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 10(3); 1999 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1999;10(3): 413-420.
Pelvic Fracture Classification, Associated Injury and Hemodynamic Change
Jun Jho, Chan Sang Park, Byung Dae Yoo, Dong Phil Lee
In general, pelvic fracture carries higher mortality especially from motor veicle accident, we have retrospectively reviewed charts and radiographs of 185 patients in order to identify clinical fading, kinds of fracture, hemodynamic changes and associated injuries in patients with pelvic fractures. We attempted to classify pelvic fractures according Young classification. The following results were obtained; 1. On age and sex distribution, the pelvic fractures showed peak incidence between 2nd decade and 5th decade. Male was affected more frequently than female, the ratio being male to female, 2.6 to 1. 2. The mechamisn of injury was motor veicle accident in 155(83.8%), fall in 25(13.5%), others in 5(2.7%). 3. The associated injuries of pelvic fractures: extremity, thoracic, urinary system, intraperitoneal and head injury. 4. Of the 185 cases of the pelvic fractures, simple pelvic fractures are 101 cases(54.6%), lateral compression in 39(21.1%), anteroposterior compression in 18(9.7%), vertical shearing in 17(9.2%), mixed pattern in 10(5.4%). 5. Retroperitoneal hematoma and urinary tracts injuries were the most common associated in mixed pattern. 6. The incidence of hemodynamically unstable fractures were 19.8% in simple pelvic fracture but, as expected was higher in major pelvic ring disruptions except to acetabular fracture(52.4%). 7. Mortality rates were 5.9% in all pelvic fractures but 10.7% in major pelvic ring disruptions except to acetabular fractures. Prognostic factor in pelvic fractures were the amount of hemorrhage and associated injuries, therefore early diagnosis and managements are essential to reduce the mortality in pelvic fracture.
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