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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 16(2); 2005 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2005;16(2): 254-265.
What to Wear in the Emergency Deparence for Physican's Attire and Appearance in the ED
Sung Taek Kim, Mi Ran Kim, Woo Jeong Kim, Seung Chul Lee, Gil Jun Suh, Sang Do Shin, Seong Wook Choi
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea. suhgil@snu.ac.kr
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Pochon CHA University College of Medicine, Korea.
This study was done to evaluate patients' and physicians' attitude toward emergency physician's professional appearance in the ED.
By way of a survey, the patients and guardians of 87 patients presenting to the Emergency Department of Seoul National University Hospital (patients' group) were shown 6 photographs of physician's dress style and asked questions related to their preference for each physician's dress style. The same questions were also given to 52 medical personnel (medical group: physicians, nurses, and paramedics of the emergency department).
There was no preference for formal suit or casual suit without white laboratory coat in either group. Fifty-eight (73.4%) of the patients' group preferred a formal suit with white coat whereas 22(44.0%) of the medical group preferred a formal suit with white coat (p=0.008). As to surgical scrubs with or without a white coat, there was a preference in both group. However, the medical group liked 'scrubs+white coat' more than the patients' group (p=0.003). Of 12 other items, 4 items (dyed hair, no tie, a Tshirt, and sports shoes) were preferred and 7 items (longhair/ponytail (man), mustache/beard, blue jeans, sportswear, mini-skirt, earrings (man) and bracelets) were not preferred by the either group. However, there is a disconcordance about slippers/sandals between the patients' group and the medical group (27.8% vs 56.8% preferred them; p=0.003).
Patients and their guardians preferred emergency department doctors to be dressed in formal dress with a white coat, but also accepted surgical scrubs whereas medical personnel preferred scrub with white coat.
Key words: Attitude, Clothing
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