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Table of Contents | October, 2007  Vol. 18  No.5   Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

Original Articles
359 Effect of Aprotinin on Uncontrolled Hemorrhage After Splenic Injury Model in Rats
Wonyoung Sung, Hyungwoo Yim, Byungjun Cho, Jangyoung Lee, Heebum Yang, Youngmo Yang, Sungyoup Hong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):359-366.
367 Clinical Analysis of the Stadium Stampede in Sang-ju, Korea
Kyung Won Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):367-374.
375 Clinical value of Ischemia Modified Albumin (IMA) and Albumin-Adjusted Ischemia Modified Albumin (Aa IMA) to the Patients with Suspected Acute Coronary Syndrome in Emergency Department
Young Shin Cho, Hoon Lim, Young Soon Cho, Ho Jung Kim, Hye Young Jang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):375-380.
381 The Impacts of Helmet Use on Injuries in Motorcycle Crash Patients in Korea
Soon Young Yun, Jae Eun Kim, Eun Kyung Eo, Koo Young Jung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):381-386.
387 Optimal Length of Central Venous Catheterization Using 3-Dimensional Multi-Detector Row Computed Tomography
Ki Jeong Hong, Jung Ho Shin, Hyun Soo Park, Seong Chun Kim, Gil Joon Suh, Joong Eui Rhee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):387-393.
394 Unrecognized Anemia in Emergency Department
Do Kyun Kim, Young Ho Kwak
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):394-398.
399 A Study of the Usefulness of the Bispectral Index Monitor During Pediatric Procedural Sedation by Rectal Thiopental Administration in the Emergency Department
Jung Keun Kwak, Gyu Chong Cho, Ji Young Ryu, Ji Young Ryu
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):399-405.
406 Relationships between beta-fibrinogen gene -455 G/A Polymorphism, 448 G/A Polymorphism, and Plasma Fibrinogen Concentration in Korean Ischemic Stroke Patients
Jong Seok Lee, Han Jin Cho, Han Sung Choi, Hoon Pyo Hong, Young Gwan Ko
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):406-413.
414 The Diagnostic Accuracy of Abdominal Ultrasonography for Acute Appendicitis and Acute Cholecystitis Performed by Emergency Physicians after Systematic Training for the Abdominal Ultrasonography
Hyun Joon Cho, Han Jin Cho, Han Sung Choi, Hoon Pyo Hong, Young Gwan Ko, Dong Pil Kim, Sin Chul Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):414-422.
423 The Relationship of Self-reported Pain Scores with Vital Signs in Ureter Stone Patients
Hong Won Kim, Han Jin Cho, Han Sung Choi, Hoon Pyo Hong, Dong Pil Kim, Sin Chul Kim, Young Gwan Ko
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):423-428.
429 Usefulness of Ultrasonography as a Disposition Tool for Patients with Acute Flank Pain and Microscopic Hematuria in an Emergency Department
In Soo Kim, Sang Kyoon Han, Seung Ryu, Jin Woong Lee, Seung Whan Kim, In Sool Yoo, Yeon Ho You
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):429-433.
Case Reports
434 A Case of Transient Toxic Response with Accidental Intravascular Administration of Benoxinate
Jung Hyun Moon, Seung Eun Lee, Ji Hyun Ahn, Sang Jin Lee, Kwang Jung Lee, Chan Woong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):434-437.
438 A case of the Colon Perforated Patient Visited Emergency Department for Pneumomediastinum
Kyoung Min Moon, Hyeon Woong Yang, Young Mo Yang, Woong Chul Lee, Sin Hyung Lim, Sang Hyun Park, Gi Young Choi, Yun Jung Lee, Sung Hee Jung, Anna Kim, Sang Woo Cha
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(5):438-442.
Editorial Office
The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
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