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Author :
Daihai Choi 4 Articles
413 Study on the perception and performance of 119 paramedics in the pre-COVID-19 period
Woongbin Kim, Daihai Choi
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2023;34(5):413-420.   Published online October 31, 2023
193 A single emergency center study for evaluation of P-POSSUM and Mannheim Peritonitis Index as a risk prediction model in patients with non-traumatic peritonitis
Boram Kim, Seong Hun Kim, Sung Pil Michael Choe, Daihai Choi, Dong Wook Je, Woo Young Nho, Soo Hyung Lee, Sunho Cho, Shinwoo Kim, Hyoungouk Kim, Jeong Sik Yi
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2022;33(2):193-202.   Published online April 30, 2022
53 Satisfaction Survey of Emergency Medicine Residency Training for Emergency Medicine Specialist and Suggestion for Improvement on the Future Emergency Medicine Residency Training
Song Yi Park, Inbyung Kim, Hyukjun Yang, Kijung Lee, Taeho Im, Seungbaik Han, Kuhyun Kang, Youngjun Kang, Jooyeong Kim, Chul Kim, Kyung Hye Park, Yooseok Park, Juok Park, Junbeom Park, Junseok Park, Hyunkyung Park, Jaedon Son, Sehyun Oh, Youngmin Oh, Dongwook Lee, Hyungmin Lee, Siyoung Jung, Jinwoo Jeong, Kwanghyun Cho, Yeongsun Cho, Hanjin Cho, Daihai Choi
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2016;27(5 Suppl.):53-60.   Published online October 30, 2016
67 Self-perceived Quality of Sleep in Korean Emergency Physicians
Han Byeol Kim, Kyung Hye Park, Inbyung Kim, Hyukjun Yang, Kijung Lee, Taeho Im, Seungbaik Han, Kuhyun Kang, Youngjun Kang, Jooyeong Kim, Chul Kim, Yooseok Park, Juok Park, Junbeom Park, Junseok Park, Hyunkyung Park, Jaedon Son, Sehyun Oh, Youngmin Oh, Dongwook Lee, Hyungmin Lee, Siyoung Jung, Jinwoo Jeong, Kwanghyun Cho, Yeongsun Cho, Hanjin Cho, Daihai Choi, (2015 KEPS Committee)
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2016;27(5 Suppl.):67-75.   Published online October 30, 2016
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