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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 19(3); 2008 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2008;19(3): 245-252.
Study of Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients for whom 119 Rescuers used an Automated External Defibrillator in the Metropolitan Area
Hyun Hee Lee, Kang Suk Seo, Jae Myung Chung, Jeong Bae Park, Hyun Wook Ryoo, Jong Kun Kim, Jun Seok Seo, Sam Beom Lee, Woo Ik Choi, Kyung Won Lee
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Kyungpook National University Hospital, Daegu, Korea. kssuh@knu.ac.kr
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Daegu Fatima Hospital, Daegu, Korea.
3Daegu Emergency Medical Information Center, Daegu, Korea.
4Department of Emergency Medicine, Yeungnam University Medical center, Daegu, Korea.
5Department of Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine, Keimyung University Dongsan Medical Center, Daegu, Korea.
6Department of Emergency Medicine, College of medicine, Catholic University of Daegu, Daegu, Korea.
To report characteristics of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients in whom 119 rescuers used an automated external defibrillator (AED) in the metropolitan area
1,689 OHCA patients were transferred to hospitals by 119 rescuers between 1 January and 31 December, 2006. Among them, 106 OHCA patients for whom 119 rescuers used an AED were enrolled retrospectively.
Shockable rhythm with AED use was 70.8%, witnessed arrest was 46.2%, and bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) was 6.6%. The most common location of cardiac arrest was in the home, at 74.5%. Response time was 7.1(+/-3.9) minutes. Chest compression during transport was done by 119 rescuers in 87.7% of cases, and assisted ventilations such as advanced airway management and bag valve mask ventilation were performed by 119 rescuers in 17.0%. Initial ECG findings at ED were asystole(59.4%), PEA(25.5%), VF/pulseless VT(8.5%), sinus rhythm(4.7%), and others(1.9%). The most common etiology of cardiac arrest was presumed cardiac origin in 68.9% of cases. Sustained return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) was 26.4%. The proportion of patients discharged alive was 11.3%.
The performance of bystander CPR and usage of AED, and appropriate CPR done by 119 rescuers were unsatisfactory in metropolitan Daegu. There is a marked need to establish basic life support education in the areas of bystander CPR, and a quantitative and qualitative development of 119 rescue capability.
Key words: Heart Arrest, Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, Automated external defibrillators (AEDs)
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