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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 19(6); 2008 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2008;19(6): 749-759.
Job Stress, Job Satisfaction of Emergency Residents and Its Related Factors
Yong Gi Kim, Hyun Wook Ryoo, Kang Suk Seo, Jeong Bae Park, Jae Myung Chung, Jong Kun Kim, Yun Jeong Kim
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Kyungpook National University Hospital, Daegu, Korea.
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Daegu Fatima Hospital, Daegu, Korea. kim7155@yahoo.co.kr
The rate of volunteering by emergency residents is currently low in Korea because of the relatively high job stress. We aimed to investigate the job stress and job satisfaction of emergency residents and we wanted to identify the related factors.
Data was collected by conducting a cross-sectional mail survey. This mail was sent to 397 emergency residents in Korea. Among them, 226 persons answered the questionnaire and 220 responses were analyzed, with excluding 6 incomplete answers.
Age, gender, the marriage status and the type of training hospital showed no statistically significant differences in relation to job stress and job satisfaction. XXXXBut the grade of the residents, satisfaction as emergency residents, thoughts of changing their job, thoughts of leaving the emergency department, their social and economic positions and the type of work-shift showed significant differences for job stress and job satisfaction. XXX Among the job stresses, the mean scores of the job factor, the environmental factor and the reward factor were 3.45+/-0.90, 3.63 +/-0.67 and 3.55+/-0, respectively. Among job satisfaction, the mean scores of the job factor, the relationship factor and the reward factor were 3.59+/-0.67, 2.46+/-0.74 and 2.53+/-0.80, respectively
The job stress of emergency residents is excessive, and especially for the environmental and reward factors, and the degree of job satisfaction is low. Management of crowding, improving the environment by changing the type of work-shift type, eradicating violence in the emergency department and adequate rewards are needed to reduce this job stress. Efforts to increase the treatment capability and positively improve the relationship of residents with other medical specialists should be made to enhance emergency residents' job satisfaction.
Key words: Residency, Stress, Job satisfaction
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