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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 20(3); 2009 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2009;20(3): 288-296.
Incidence and Patterns of Unintentional Injuries Among Preschool Children in Korea
Won Kyung Lee, Kun Hee Park, Sang Jun Eun, Yoon Kim, Jin Seok Lee, Kyoung Jun Song, Sang Jun Moon, Yong Ik Kim
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Seoul National University, College of Medicine, Korea.
2Department of Health Policy and Management, Seoul National University, College of Medicine, Korea. yikim@snu.ac.kr
3Institute of Health Policy and Management, SNUMRC, Korea.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cumulative incidence rate (CIR) of unintentional injuries and to describe the pattern of unintentional injuries among preschool children in Korea.
We retrospectively reviewed the records of the National Health Insurance Agency for the year 2006. Data for people with unintentional injuries (ICD code: S00~T98) were collected, and stratified random samples were selected according to age, sex and severity of injury. A questionnaire including the location, mechanism and results of the injuries was developed. The risks, location and mechanism of injuries were analyzed.
The CIR of unintentional injuries among preschool children during the 1 year period studied was 25,991 per 100,000, and the CIR of severe injuries was 355. More injuries occurred in males, in rural areas, and in low income (medical aid) families. Most injuries occurred at home or near the home, and did so by slipping, falling and being struck.
The incidence and characteristics of unintentional injuries among preschool children in Korea are affected by gender, location and income level. Establishing strategies directed towards vulnerable subgroups should contribute to a program designed to effectively prevent childhood injuries.
Key words: Incidence, Injury, Child, Preschool
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