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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 20(6); 2009 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2009;20(6): 697-701.
Effect of an RSST (Rapid Streptococcal Screening Test) and Education about Centor Criteria on the Use of Antibiotics for Patients with Sore Throat
Ki Hyung Kim, Ok Jun Kim, Sung Wook Choi, Eui Chung Kim, Ta Ei Ko, Kyeung Weon Kang, Hyun Soo Kim, Dong Wook Lee
Department of Emergency Medicine, Bundang CHA Medical Center, College of Medicine, CHA University, Seongnam, Korea. ed4749@hanmail.net
This study evaluated the effect of Rapid Streptococcal Screening Test (RSST) results on the use of antibiotics for patients with sore throat in the ER setting and the effect of education about Centor criteria for primary physicians on the use of antibiotics.
Between June 2008 and January 2009, we recruited 786 patients with sore throat who visited our emergency center. Patients were classified into 2 groups according to the RSST. Centor scores and antibiotic usage were assessed. Primary physicians were educated about Centor scoring and RSST. We analyzed the use of antibiotics to evaluate the effect of education on Centor scoring and RSST.
RSST results significantly correlated with antibiotic usage for the RSST done on a group of patients with sore throat (p<0.001). Education of primary physicians regarding Centor scoring reduced the use of antibiotics (p<0.001) for the low risk group of patients (Centor scores<3). The use of antibiotics for the high risk group (Centor scores> or =3) was not significantly reduced (p=0.6394) after education regarding Centor criteria.
The use of an RSS test and education of primary physicians will reduce the unnecessary use of antibiotics by patients and will result in appropriate use of antibiotics for patients who need antibiotics.
Key words: Pharyngitis, Streptococcal infections, Anti-bacterial agents, Education
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