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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 21(1); 2010 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2010;21(1): 144-146.
Anaphylactic Reaction Associated with Ranitidine Administration: 2 Case Reports
Min Hee Jung, Sang Jin Lee
Department of Emergency Medicine, Chung-Ang University Hospital, Seoul, Korea. sj_lee@cau.ac.kr
Ranitidine is a widely used histamine-2-receptor antagonist and it is usually well tolerated by patients with an excellent safety record. Anaphylactic reaction to ranitidine is rare event. We report here on 2 cases with anaphylactic reaction after the intravenous administration of ranitidine in an emergency medical center. Awareness of this rare, but life threatening adverse reaction to a commonly used ranitidine can help physicians avoid being caught unaware when they experience this medical situation. Although the incidences of anaphylactic reactions induced by these drugs are low, clinicians should be aware of this possibility of life threatening risk of anaphylactic reaction when administering ranitidine. Furthermore, the possibility of cross reactivity between drugs in the same antihistamine group should be considered. (ED note: please check the part in the yellow.)
Key words: Anaphylaxis, Ranitidine, Histamine H2 Antagonists
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