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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 23(4); 2012 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2012;23(4): 464-469.
Effects of Audio Tone Guidance on Performance of Positive-pressure Ventilation using a Bag-valve Device
Jai Sik Moon, Je Hyeok Oh, Chan Woong Kim, Sung Eun Kim, Sang Jin Lee
1Department of Emergency Medicine, National Police Hospital, Seoul, Korea. jehyeok.oh@gmail.com
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Chung-Ang University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. whenever@cau.ac.kr
The 2010 guidelines for cardiopulmonary resuscitation recommend a ventilation rate of 8 to 10/min for patients with an advanced airway; however, hyperventilation occurs in most cases. This study was conducted as an attempt to determine the effects of feedback under audio tone guidance on performance of positive-pressure ventilation using a bag-valve device and to apply this technique in clinical practice in order to reduce hyperventilation.
A total of 36 seniors at our medical school participated in the study. After receiving instruction in performance of positive-pressure ventilation using a bag-valve device, they performed ventilation using a cardiac arrest model with an advanced airway (Test 1). After they took Test 1 without any feedback, they were randomly assigned to the feedback group (Group A) and the control group (Group B) and took Test 2. In Group A, a high-pitched sound was delivered every 7 s for guidance of ventilation.
In Group A, ventilation rate approximated feedback rate, whereas, in Group B, it showed a significant decrease, from 8.3+/-2.0 to 7.7+/-2.0/min (p<0.01). The mean ventilation volume did not differ between pre- and post-feedback. The mean inspiration time showed a decrease in both groups. However, no significant difference in mean inspiration time was observed between the two groups.
Audio tone guidance can control the ventilation rate accurately without any significant change in ventilation volume and inspiration time.
Key words: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), Ventilation, Feedback
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