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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 35(1); 2024 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2024;35(1): 16-22.
일개 응급의료센터에서 119응급환자를 위한 새로운 인계시스템 도입이 인계과정에 미치는 효과
김용준 , 송경준 , 김태한 , 이경원 , 신종환 , 정진희 , 박창제 , 장승연
서울대학교 보라매병원 응급의학과
Effect of a new handover system for 119 transfer patients in a single emergency medical center
Yong Joon Kim , Kyoung Jun Song , Tae Han Kim , Stephen Gyung Won Lee , Jong Hwan Shin , Jin Hee Jung , Chang-Je Park , Seung Yeun Jang
Department of Emergency Medicine, Seoul National University-Seoul Metropolitan Government Boramae Medical Center, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence  Kyoung Jun Song ,Tel: 02-870-3086, Fax: 02-831-0207, Email: skciva@gmail.com,
Received: May 8, 2023; Revised: August 16, 2023   Accepted: December 22, 2023.  Published online: February 28, 2024.
This study evaluated the efficacy and effectiveness of a new patient handover system developed for better handover in a metropolitan emergency department (ED).
A retrospective observational study was designed to evaluate the appropriateness and satisfaction level of the new ED handover system. The participants were pre-hospital emergency medical service (EMS) providers with patient transport experience before and after the pilot of the new handover system.
A questionnaire was completed by 37 pre-hospital EMS providers who transported patients to the emergency department. Based on the results, pre-hospital EMS providers felt an increased level of kindness from the ED healthcare professionals during patient handover (P<0.001), from 3.19±1.05 points before the introduction of the system to 3.97±0.96 points after its introduction, and the activeness of ED healthcare professionals also increased, from 3.35±1.03 to 4.14±0.86 points (P<0.001). The sufficiency of contents of patient handover information to explain a patient’s condition increased from 3.59±0.76 to 4.08±0.72 points (P<0.003). The score for overall satisfaction felt by the EMS providers during patient handover increased from 3.46±0.96 to 3.76±0.86 points, which was not statistically significant (P=0.020).
Our findings suggest that the introduction of a new patient handover system between EMS providers and the ED staff is effective for both pre-hospital EMS providers and ED staff.
Key words: Emergency medical services; Patient handoff; Patient handover; Effectiveness
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