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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 34(1); 2023 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2023;34(1): 55-62.
우리나라 산업, 건설현장에서 성인 추락 환자의 중증도 분석
황인훈 , 김선표
조선대학교병원 응급의학과
Analysis of the severity in adult patients with fall injuries at industrial and construction sites in Korea
Inhun Hwang , Sunpyo Kim
Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Chosun University, Gwangju, Korea
Correspondence  Sunpyo Kim ,Tel: 062-220-3285, Fax: 062-224-3501, Email: ksp93133@naver.com,
Received: September 9, 2022; Revised: October 12, 2022   Accepted: October 12, 2022.  Published online: February 28, 2023.
This study analyzes the severity of fall injuries that occur during work at industrial and construction sites in Korea, and presents data for future policies on industrial accident damage prevention.
Data of patients with injuries who were admitted to the emergency room were scrutinized. The final analysis included adult patients aged >19 years who suffered fall injuries during work at industrial and construction sites from 2011 to 2020.
Severity of the fall injury was analyzed in 16,795 patients. Among the 16,211 men and 584 women included in the study, severe injuries were determined in 5,776 (35.6%) and 142 (24.3%) subjects, respectively. The highest number of falls was observed between 12 pm and 6 pm (8,012 cases), whereas the highest rate of severe fall injury occurred between 6 pm and 12 am (37.5%). The most common injury sites were the head and neck, which also had the highest rates of severe injury (58.5%). Most patients were transferred to general wards (5,709 patients) after receiving treatment in the emergency department. The analysis of 5,111 patients with fall injuries registered in the in-depth analysis data of six hospitals showed that the rate of severe injuries was higher in patients who fell on concrete floors.
Increased rate of severe injury was obtained in the male gender and was associated with age, working hours, and alcohol consumption. Additionally, the rate of severe injury was higher in patients with head, neck, and chest injuries, who underwent emergency surgery, and fell on concrete floors.
Key words: Emergency department; Industrial; Construction; Fall
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