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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 23(6); 2012 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2012;23(6): 831-840.
Demographic and Health-related Risk Factors for the Recurrence of Primary Spontaneous Pneumothorax
Hyun Soo Oh, Jin A Mo, Wha Sook Seo
1Department of Nursing, Inha University, Incheon, Korea. hsoh@inha.ac.kr
2National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency, Korea.
3Center for New Health Technology Assessment, Korea.
This study was conducted to examine the relationships between the recurrence of pneumothorax with demographic and health-related risk factors.
Demographic factors (age and gender) and health-related risk factors (Body Mass Index, smoking, exercise, stress, fatigue, and morbidity from colds) were measured from 60 patients admitted to two acute care institutions due to pneumothorax.
The study results showed significant differences in factors such as height and minutes of performing exercise per week, between the first occurrence and recurrence groups. However, other risk factors did not show significant differences between the two groups.
Prevention of recurrences is important for the treatment and management of pneumothorax. More studies are required to accumulate empirical evidence for health-related risk factors and pneumothorax recurrence, as the relationship between all factors and recurrence were not obtained by the study results.
Key words: Pneumothorax, Recurrence, Risk factors
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