Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1996;7(1): 126-140. |
Yoon Seok Jung, Jun Sig Kim, In Sool Yoo, Joon Pil Cho |
Department of Emergency Medicine, Ajou University School of Medicine, SuWon, Korea |
Published online: March 31, 1996. |
Early reperfusion can prevent myocardial necrosis, and clinical trials with reperfusion therapy demonstrating a significant reduction in acute myocardial infarction(AMI) mortality have dramatically changed the treatment paradigm for AMI. All patients with symptoms and ECG findings suggestive of AMI should be considered for treatment with thrombolytic agents. However, only a minority of AMI patients actually receive a thrombolytic therapy. Many patients are often excluded from treatment because they do not meet the criteria for age, duration of the chest pain, and a qualifying ECG. And late arrival at the hospital is a frequently cited reason for not giving a thrombolytic agent. To confirm the reason for not receiving an early reperfusion therapy, we obtained the data for the clinical characteristics, the time intervals between the symptom onset and the start of a thrombolytic agent infusion, the method of reperfusion therapy, the reason for not giving a thrombolytic agent and overall outcomes by retrograde chart review. During the 12-month study period between July 1994 and June 1995, 113 patients were finally diagnosed to AMI, who presented to Emergency Center of Ajou University Hospital in total 30,819 patients.
The results were followings :
1. The average age was 59±12 years old, the ratio of male to female was 3.2:1. The direct visited patients to our hospital were 31 and the transfered were 82.
2. The chief complaints were chest pain (86.7%), dyspnea, and mental change. The common preceding diseases were angina pectoris (10 cases), old myocardial infarction (9 cases), congestive heart failure (2 cases) and typical chest pain but not diagnosed (23 cases). The risk factors were smoking (81 cases), hypertension (46 cases) and DM (22 cases).
3. 75 patients had arrived within 12 hours from symptom onset and 38 patients after 12 hours. 45cases (54.7%) were performed the reperfusion therapy ; 31 patients were taken the thrombolytic therapy by tissue-type Plasminogen Activator.
4. The most common reason for not receiving a reperfusion therapy was the time delay and the main was the patient/bystander factor.
5. 75.2% (85 cases) of the patients dischared with or without complications, 7.1% (8 cases) died,
10.6% (12 cases) discharged moribundly, and 7.1% (8 cases) discharged against advise .
In conclusion, the time delay was the first reason for not receiving a reperfusion therapy in AMI patients. And the education for the AMI symptom and BLS (Basic Life Support) to the people, good EMS(Emergency Medical Services) system, early definite diagnosis and aggresive therapy may decline the mortality rate.
Key words:
Acute myocardial infarction, Early reperfusion therapy, Time delay |