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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 6(2); 1995 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1995;6(2): 394-402.
Hahn Shick Lee1, Hoon Sang Chi2, Jin Sik Min2
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine
2Department of Surgery, Yonsei University College of Medicine
  Published online: December 31, 1995.
Thirty trauma patients admitted to our emergency center had lymphocyte phenotypic subsets characterized throughout hospital course. The immunosuppressive disease and CNS injury patients were excluded. There was no mortality in our studied cases. T-lymphocyte(CD-3), T helper(CD-4), T suppressor(CD-8) and B-lymphocyte(CD-19) were quantified by monoclonal antibodies and flowcytometric analysis. Results were analyzed on the day of admission 1st day, 2nd day, 4th day and 8th day among three groups: Injury severity score(ISS) below 15(n=10), 15-25(n=10), over 25(n=10). The patients were compared to 20 healthy controls. The immunologic depression was maximal on 2nd day and nearly recovered on 8th day. ISS over 25 group was most significantly depressed in all subset of T-lymphocyte, but ISS 15-25 group was slightly depressed less than ISS below 15 group. The B-lymphocyte was changed in similar pattern like as all subset of each ISS group, but the initial B-lymphocyte slightly increased comparing controls. Therefore the immunologic depression is affected by severity of trauma, and the severe and mild depression of immune system is included. The patterns of immune depression of T-lymphocyte and its subset were double peak in mild and severe trauma patients. The B-lymphocyte is stimulated in severe trauma patients during the initial stage of injury.
Key words: Injury severity score, Cellular immunity, T and B lymphocyte, T helper/suppressor
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