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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 5(2); 1994 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1994;5(2): 263-266.
Kyeong Ryong Lee, Ok Jun Kim, Ok Kyung Choi, Hong Du Goo, Seung Whan Kim, In Cheol Park, Yeong Rok Ha, Sung Pil Chung, Seok Joon Jang, Ho Shik Shim
Department of Emergency Medicine, Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine
  Published online: December 31, 1994.
Lidocaine is commonly used in children as well as adults as a local anesthetics for dermal lac­eration repair. Local infiltration of wounds with lidocaine(local anesthetics) inflicts pain on pain, particularly distressing in children. To avoid this pain, the use of topical tetracaine­ adrenaline-cocaine(TAC) solution and adrenalin-cocaine(AC) gel is proposed. We have evaluated the anesthetic effect of AC gel for minor dermal laceration repair. For three months(Jul to Oct, 1994), the residents of emergency medicine have sutured minor der­mal laceration patients who were treated at to the Department of Emergency Medicine, Sever­ance Hospital Yonsei University College of Medicine. The patients population ranged from 9 months to 46 years with an average of 10.2 years. Thirty of the patients were younger than 10 years of age. Lacerations were located on the face in 33 patients and on the scalp in 4 patients. Larger lacerations were encountered in 4 patients. The average dose of AC gel applied per lace­ration was 0.45 mL(containing 81.9mg cocaine). Two hundred thirty four sutures of total 240 (97.5%) were placed without eliciting any pain. The average anesthetic induction time was 123 seconds. There were no observed adverse reactions with AC gel application or reported compli­cations of wound healing in any patient. Our results support the use of AC gel is an excellent anesthetic effect for dermal laceration.
Key words: AC gel, topical anesthetics
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