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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 32(2); 2021 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2021;32(2): 112-119.
Injury patterns in cyclists with alcohol consumption
Da Un Jeong , Won Cul Cha , Hee Yoon , Sung Yeon Hwang , Tae Gun Shin , Min Seob Sim , Ik Joon Jo , Taerim Kim
Department of Emergency Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence  Taerim Kim ,Tel: 02-3410-2053, Fax: 02-3410-0049, Email: taerim.j.kim@gmail.com,
Received: July 3, 2020; Revised: August 10, 2020   Accepted: August 18, 2020.  Published online: April 30, 2021.
As the cycling population grows, the lack of public awareness about the dangers of cycling while under the influence of alcohol is a signifant problem. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between alcohol consumption and bicycle-related injuries such as traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and excess mortality ratio-adjusted injury severity score (EMR-ISS).
We conducted a retrospective analysis using data collected from the Korean Emergency Department-based Injury In-depth Surveillance (EDIIS) database from 20 emergency departments during the period 2011-2016. The study subjects who had sustained bicycle-related injuries were over 18 years of age. The covariates included the mechanism, place, and time of injury. The outcomes were TBI incidence and severe and critical injury of EMR-ISS≥25. The effects of alcohol consumption on these outcomes were analyzed, and the variations in effects were determined using logistic regression.
Of the 24,297 individuals studied, 1,912 had alcohol-related bicycle injuries, which led to a higher proportion of single-vehicle injury incidents (alcohol 63.7% vs. non-alcohol 46.4%, P<0.001). The alcohol group had a higher rate of TBI (alcohol 11.5% vs. non-alcohol 4.6%, P<0.001) and severe and critical injury of EMR-ISS (alcohol 23.1% vs. nonalcohol 11.7%, P<0.001). TBI (odds ratio [OR], 2.72; 95% confidence interval [CI], 2.33-3.16) and severe and critical injury of EMR-ISS (OR, 2.26; 95% CI, 2.01-2.53) showed a significant association with alcohol.
Our study showed an association of alcohol consumption with a higher incidence of TBI and severe and critical EMR-ISS. Education should focus more on the association between cycling under alcohol influence and injury severity.
Key words: Bicycling; Ethanol; Wounds and injuries; Brain
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