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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 31(4); 2020 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2020;31(4): 355-361.
자전거 탑승 중 발생한 손상 환자에서 음주의 영향
서민지1 , 조진성1,2 , 임용수1,2 , 양혁준1,2 , 우재혁1,2 , 최우성1
1가천대 길병원 응급의학과
2가천대학교 의과대학 응급의학교실
Effects of alcohol intake on the severity of injuries during riding a bicycle
Min Jee Seo1 , Jin-Seong Cho1,2 , Yong Su Lim1,2 , Hyuk Jun Yang1,2 , Jae-Hyug Woo1,2 , Woo Sung Choi1
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Gachon University Gil Medical Center, Incheon, Korea
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Gachon University College of Medicine, Incheon, Korea
Correspondence  Jin-Seong Cho ,Tel: 032-460-3901, Fax: 032-460-3019, Email: jinseongcho@gmail.com,
Received: October 23, 2019; Revised: December 9, 2019   Accepted: December 22, 2019.  Published online: August 31, 2020.
When bike riding under the influence of alcohol, incidence of injury increases, although reports of highly severe injuries is rare. Therefore, this study aimed to determine how drinking alcohol affects bicycle injuries.
This study included patients who visited the emergency departments at 23 hospitals. Participants were enrolled in the emergency department-based injury in-depth surveillance program of the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, were over 15-years-old, and were injured while riding a bike either with or without alcohol intake. Patients with important data missing or insufficient data such as Excess Mortality Ratio-adjusted Injury Severity Score (EMR-ISS) were excluded from the analysis.
A total of 28,094 patients were analyzed. The alcohol-intake group numbered 1,946 (6.9%) while the non-alcohol-intake group numbered 26,148 (93.1%). The incidence of severe injury (EMR-ISS≥25) in the alcohol-intake group was 451 (23.2%), whereas that in the non-alcohol-intake group was 2,881 (11.0%), which was statistically different between the two groups (P<0.001). According to multivariate logistic regression, the odds ratio of severe injuries in the alcohol-intake group was 2.04 (95% confidence interval, 1.80-2.30) compared to the non-alcohol-intake group after adjusting for age, alcohol use, type of road, sex, injury time, and transportation.
Alcohol is associated with an increase in the incidence of severe injuries. Therefore, as part of preventive measures, it will be necessary to tighten regulations on post-drinking bike riding and improve awareness through public relations.
Key words: Alcohols; Bicycling; Traffic accidents
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