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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 29(5); 2018 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2018;29(5): 529-550.
전공의를 대상으로 시행한 사망진단서 작성법 교육의 효과
강은진 , 이혜지 , 김선휴
울산대학교 의과대학 울산대학교병원 응급의학과
The effect of education on ‘how to write the death certificate’ for resident trainees of the emergency department
Eunjin Kang , Hyeji Lee , Sun Hyu Kim
Department of Emergency Medicine, Ulsan University Hospital, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Ulsan, Korea
Correspondence  Hyeji Lee ,Tel: 052-250-8787, Fax: 052-250-8150, Email: hjlee85@gmail.com,
Received: July 2, 2018; Revised: August 14, 2018   Accepted: August 14, 2018.  Published online: October 31, 2018.
This study investigated the most common errors on death certificates written by resident trainees of the emergency department and evaluated the effects of education on how to write a death certificate.
A casebook of 31 deaths was prepared based on actual death cases in the emergency room in 2016. Ten residents completed 31 death certificates for the death casebook without any prior notice and then received education on ‘How to write the death certificate.’ They completed the death certificates again for the same casebook after receiving the education and the number of errors on all death certificates was again determined and divided into major and minor errors. The average number of error types was compared before and after the education.
Major errors occurred in 55% of all death certificates, but decreased to 32% after education. Minor errors decreased from 81% before education to 54% after education. The most common major error was ‘unacceptable cause of death’ (mean±standard deviation [SD], 10.2±8.2), and the most common minor error was ‘absence of time interval’ (mean±SD, 24.0±7.7), followed by ‘absence of other significant conditions’ (mean±SD, 14.6±6.1) before education.
Education on ‘how to write a death certificate’ can help reduce errors on death certificates and improve the quality of death certificates.
Key words: Death certificates; Emergency department; Errors; Guidelines as topic; Education
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