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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 29(2); 2018 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2018;29(2): 127-135.
Awareness and attitude on international emergency medicine: a resident survey
Min Gyu Kong , Hoon Kim , Junseok Park , Kyung Hwan Kim , Dong Wun Shin , Joon Min Park , Woo Chan Jeon , Hyun Jong Kim
Department of Emergency Medicine, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital, Goyang, Korea
Correspondence  Hoon Kim ,Tel: 031-910-7119, Fax: 031-910-7188, Email: megali@hanmail.net,
Received: September 25, 2017; Revised: November 10, 2017   Accepted: November 12, 2017.  Published online: April 30, 2018.
International emergency medicine (IEM) is a rapidly growing field in emergency medicine (EM). However, there are few studies of the interest and attitude of EM residents on this subject in Korea. The aim of this study was to assess the awareness of IEM and determine feasibility of adoption as an EM residency program.
A structured on/off-line survey was distributed to all current first to third grade EM residents in Korea (year 2016-2017). Ninety-two hospitals with residency programs and 463 residents were identified as potential survey candidates. The survey consisted of 20 questionnaires including binary yes/no and multiple choice questions.
The response rate was 37.1% (172/463). The proportion of residents who have interest in IEM was 62.8% (108/172); 76.2% (131/172) respondents answered that they wanted to participate in IEM/global health activities during their residency. Approximately two thirds (68.6%, 118/172) reported that they plan to participate in any IEM activity even after graduation. More than half (56.4%, 97/172) agreed that the inclusion of IEM/global health training in their residency might be necessary and it may help them to guide their future careers after their training (68.6%, 118/172). A total of 144 respondents (83.7%) indicated lack of time during their residency mostly, absence of an IEM program (47.1%, 81/172), and lack of information on IEM (31.4%, 54/172).
IEM is of interest to Korean EM residents. On the other hand, formal education and training offered to residents is limited in Korea. Korean Society of Emergency Medicine should start discussions on how to adopt a global IEM agenda, and reflect on a resident training program.
Key words: International emergency medicine; Global health; Resident survey
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