응급의학과 전문의가 느끼는 응급실 폭력에 대한 불안과 이에 대한 요인 |
유도환1, 이동욱1, 이형민2, 조광현3, 양혁준4, 김인병5, 이기중6, 한승백2, 오세현7, 김철8, 박준석9, 강영준10, 박현경11, 박유석12, 강구현13, 조한진14, 조영순15, 박준범16, 정진우17, 박경혜18, 최대해19, 정시영5, 박주옥20, 손재돈21, 김주영14 |
1순천향대학교 천안병원 응급의학과 2인하대학교병원 응급의학과 3을지병원 응급의학과 4가천대학교 길병원 응급의학과 5명지병원 응급의학과 6포항세명기독병원 응급의학과 7강릉아산병원 응급의학과 8평택굿모닝병원 응급의학과 9인제대학교 일산백병원 응급의학과 10제주대학교 응급의학과 11강동경희대병원 응급의학과 12연세대학교 세브란스병원 응급의학과 13한림대학교 강남성심병원 응급의학과 14고려대학교 안산병원 응급의학과 15순천향대학교 부천병원 응급의학과 16순천향대학교병원 응급의학과 17동아대학교병원 응급의학과 18인제대학교 해운대백병원 응급의학과 19동국대학교 경주병원 응급의학과 20한림대학교 동탄성심병원 응급의학과 21국군수도병원 응급의학과 |
The Anxiety about Violence in Emergency Department and Associated Factors Assessed by Emergency Department Physicians |
Do Hwan Yu1, Dong Wook Lee1, Hyung Min Lee2, Kwang Hyun Cho3, Hyuk Jun Yang4, In Byung Kim5, Ki Joong Lee6, Seung Baik Han2, Se Hyun Oh7, Chol Kim8, Jun Seok Park9, Young Jun Kang10, Hyun Kyung Park11, Yoo Seok Park12, Ku Hyun Kang13, Han Jin Cho14, Yeong Sun Cho15, Jun Beom Park16, Jin Woo Jeong17, Kyung Hye Park18, Dai Hai Choi19, Si Young Jung5, Ju Ok Park20, Jae Don Son21, Joo Yeong Kim14 |
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital 2Department of Emergency Medicine, Inha University Hospital 3Department of Emergency Medicine, Eulji Hospital 4Department of Emergency Medicine, Gachon University Gil Hospital 5Department of Emergency Medicine, Myongji Hospital 6Department of Emergency Medicine, Pohang Semyeong Christianity Hospital 7Department of Emergency Medicine, Gangneung Asan Hospital 8Department of Emergency Medicine, Pyeongtaek Goodmorning Hospital 9Department of Emergency Medicine, Inje University Ilsan Paik Hospital 10Department of Emergency Medicine, Jeju National University Hospital 11Department of Emergency Medicine, Kangdong Kyunghee University Hospital 12Department of Emergency Medicine, Yonsei University Severance Hospital 13Department of Emergency Medicine, Hallym University Gangnam Sacred Heart Hospital 14Department of Emergency Medicine, Korea University Ansan Hospital 15Department of Emergency Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Bucheon Hospital 16Department of Emergency Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Hospital 17Department of Emergency Medicine, Dong-A University Hospital 18Department of Emergency Medicine, Inje University Haeundae Paik Hospital 19Department of Emergency Medicine, Dongguk University Gyeongju Hospital 20Department of Emergency Medicine, Hallym University Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital 21Department of Emergency Medicine, The Armed Force Medical Command |
Correspondence |
Dong Wook Lee ,Tel: 041) 570-2119, Fax: 041) 592-3806, Email: yisfm83@gmail.com,
Received: June 30, 2016; Revised: July 4, 2016 Accepted: August 30, 2016. Published online: October 30, 2016. |
Purpose: The anxiety of ED staffs due to violence causes their panic, frustration and humiliation against their patients and lowers the quality of medical practice of ED. With the 2015 Korean Emergency Physician Survey (KEPS), it figures out the factors influencing the anxiety level against violence and assists how to prepare future countermeasure.
Method: From August 2015 to October 2015, a survey was conducted for emergency physician as target respondents. The group with presenting their anxieties due to violence in ER was defined as 1 and 2 points by Likert scale of 5 (anxiety group) and compared with the groups of 3-5 points (no anxiety group). The survey results related to demographic data, workload and violence were performed by statistical analysis using SPSS version 18.0. It was regarded as significant in the case of less than p-value 0.05. And it was compared with the KEPS 2010 and 2015 above and figured out its changed aspects.
Results: The anxiety group were 172 (43.5%) from 395 of respondents and there was not significant difference between these 2 groups from demographic data. Regarding with the factors of security guard, workload and violence intensity they experienced, there was significant difference (p-value<0.05). In comparison of the results of 2010 and 2015, there was not significant difference among each factor.
Conclusion: The severity of violence in ER was perceived but the preparation for countermeasures was not enough. The appropriate countermeasures will be needed such as adjustment for workload, preparation for working regulations about security guard and repeated training. |
Key words:
Emergency department, Violence, Surveys and questionnaires |