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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 27(5 Suppl.); 2016 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2016;27(5 Suppl.): 41-52.
정년까지 응급의학 전문의로서 직업을 유지할 수 있을까?
박은석1, 이형민1, 정현민1, 김지혜1, 김아진1, 백진휘1, 조광현2
1인하대학교병원 응급의학과
2을지병원 응급의학과
Can You Keep Your Job as a Clinically Active Emergency Physician Until Retirement?
Eun Suk Park1, Hyung Min Lee1, Hyun Min Jung1, Ji Hye Kim1, Ah Jin Kim1, Jin Hue Baek1, Kwang Hyun Cho2
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Inha University Hospital, Incheon, Korea
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Eulji Hospital, Seoul, Korea
Correspondence  Hyung Min Lee ,Tel: 032) 890-2310, Fax: 032) 890-2314, Email: nice008@naver.com,
Received: March 24, 2016; Revised: May 3, 2016   Accepted: June 16, 2016.  Published online: October 30, 2016.
According to 2010 Korean Emergency Physician Survey (KEPS), the average age of retirement conceived by the Korean emergency physicians (EPs) was 54.6 years old, and thought they could work the night shift until the age of 50.1. This study questions the changes and the expectations of the emergency physicians, based on the survey results of 2010 and 2015.
The 2015 KEPS surveyed 1,418 members of Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015 KEPS ran from August to October 2015. The results of 2015 KEPS were compared to the results of 2010 KEPS.
The age at which the EPs expected to retire increased to 58.5, and the age at which they could work the night shift increased to 52.6. While burn out, health problems, age, night shift and the time spent with their family became more important reasons for considering retirement, salary became less important. The expected retirement age of female EPs was earlier than their male counterparts. The burden of night shift and the safety in emergency room affected female EPs. The EPs who answered both surveys reported higher than average age for both retirement and night shift work.
Higher age of expected retirement for EPs seems to be reflecting the increase in the number of EPs rather than working conditions, because, the burden of night shift and exhaustion are more important reasons for retirement than financial reasons. To keep EPs working until legal retirement age, there has to be major multi-facet changes in working conditions for EPs.
Key words: Job satisfaction, Night shift, Retirement, Work schedule tolerance
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