Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2016;27(5 Suppl.): 25-40. |
2015 대한응급의학회 응급의학과 전문의 총조사: 2010-2015년까지 주요한 변화들 |
이형민1, 조광현2, 양혁준3, 김인병4, 이기중5, 한승백1, 오세현6, 김철7, 박준석8, 강영준9, 박현경10, 박유석11, 강구현12, 조한진13, 조영순14, 박준범15, 정진우16, 박경혜17, 최대해18, 정시영4, 박주옥19, 이동욱20, 손재돈21, 김주영13 |
1인하대학교병원 응급의학과 2을지병원 응급의학과 3가천대학교길병원 응급의학과 4명지병원 응급의학과 5포항 세명기독병원 6강릉아산병원 응급의학과 7평택굿모닝병원 응급의학과 8인제대학교일산백병원 응급의학과 9제주대학교 응급의학과 10강동경희대병원 응급의학과 11연세대학교세브란스병원 응급의학과 12한림대학교강남성심병원 응급의학과 13고려대학교안산병원 응급의학과 14순천향대학교부천병원 응급의학과 15순천향대학교병원 응급의학과 16동아대학교병원 응급의학과 17인제대학교해운대백병원 응급의학과 18동국대학교경주병원 응급의학과 19한림대학교 동탄성심병원 응급의학과 20순천향대학교천안병원 응급의학과 21국군수도병원 응급의학과 |
2015 Korean Society of Emergency Physician Survey (KEPS): Major Changes from 2010 to 2015 |
Hyung Min Lee1, Kwang Hyun Cho2, Hyuk Jun Yang3, In Byung Kim4, Ki Joong Lee5, Seung Baik Han1, Se Hyun Oh6, Chol Kim7, Jun Seok Park8, Young Jun Kang9, Hyun Kyung Park10, Yoo Seok Park11, Ku Hyun Kang12, Han Jin Cho13, Yeong Sun Cho14, Jun Beom Park15, Jin Woo Jeong16, Kyung Hye Park17, Dai Hai Choi18, Si Young Jung4, Ju Ok Park19, Dong Wook Lee20, Jae Don Son21, Joo Yeong Kim13 |
1Inha Univ. Hospital 2Eulji Hospital 3Gachon Univ. Gil Hospital 4Myongji Hospital 5Pohang SM chrisianity Hospital 6Ulsan Univ. Gangneung Asan Hospital 7Pyeongtaek Goodmorning Hospital 8Inje Univ. Ilsan Baik Hospital 9Jeju Univ. Hospital 10Kangdong Kyunghee Univ. Hospital 11Yonsei Univ. Severance Hospital 12Hallim Univ. Gangnam Sacred Heart Hospital 13Korea Univ. Ansan Hospital 14Soonchonhyang Univ. Bucheon Hospital 15Soonchonhyang Univ. Hospital 16Dong-A Univ. Hospital 17Haeundae Baik Hospital 18Dongguk Univ. Gyeongju Hospiral 19Hallim Univ. Dongtan Sacred Heart Hospital 20Soonchonhyang Univ. Chonan Hospital 21The Armed Force Medical Command |
Correspondence |
Kwang Hyun Cho ,Tel: 02) 970-8374, Fax: 02) 970-8377, Email: guskhan@gmail.com,
Received: March 21, 2016; Revised: March 24, 2016 Accepted: May 3, 2016. Published online: October 30, 2016. |
Purpose: The second Korean Emergency Physician Survey (KEPS) was done in 2015. 2010 KEPS, first comprehensive study on emergency physicians (EP) in Korea, revealed EP felt over-burdened and unsatisfied. The purpose of 2015 KEPS was to find out what changed since the last survey, and what we need for the future.
Method: 2015 KEPS Committee way established. 2010 survey questions were reviewed by the committee. The survey was on 1,418 members of Korean Society of Emergency Medicine (KESM), using a questionnaire on the web and e-mail from June to October of 2015.
Results: 437 (31%) EP working in 182 hospitals participated in the survey. The biggest change was the increase in the number of EP. There were 1,120 (79%) clinically active EP working in all types of emergency facilitis. Even though working hours have decreased from 232.7 to 210.4 hours per month, night shifts increased from 7.4 to 7.6 per month. Average salary has increased but satisfaction is still dismal. The answers to choosing the specialty again, and the satisfaction with Emergency Medical Services system, and the prospect in 10 years have decreased. Expectation during Residency training increased.
Conclusion: Increase in the number of EP, brought about improvements in the welfare and working conditions. But the satisfaction is still low. In order to build a better future for EM. There must be some form of improvement in satisfaction of EP in following years. |
Key words:
Korean Emergency Physician Survey, Satisfaction, Workforce, Workload. Well-being |