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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 26(4); 2015 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2015;26(4): 341-344.
재발되는 장중첩증으로 응급실에 내원한 일란성 쌍생아
김미진, 천성호, 홍정석, 정진영
울산대학교 의과대학 울산대학교병원 권역응급의료센터 소아전용응급실
Recurrent Intussusceptions in Identical Twins, Visited to Emergency Department
Mi Jin Kim, Seong Ho Cheon, Jung Seok Hong, Jin Young Jeong
Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Ulsan College of Medicine, Pediatric Emergency Room, Regional Emergency Center, Ulsan University Hospital, Ulsan, Korea
Correspondence  Jung Seok Hong ,Tel: 052) 250-7112, Fax: 052) 250-8150, Email: skdosada@uuh.ulsan.kr,
Received: May 29, 2015; Revised: May 29, 2015   Accepted: June 10, 2015.  Published online: August 31, 2015.
This report presents a set of identical twins who had recurrent intussusceptions. One twin had intussusception 3 times, and the other had it 7 times. They were usually diagnosed by ultrasonography and reduced by air contrast enema. Manual operative reduction was performed separately for each one due to failure of the enema. Unfortunately, we still could not determine the exact cause. A few cases of intussusceptions in identical twins within a few days of each other have been reported, which may be the result of a congenital predisposition triggered by an acquired agent. We report a rare case of recurrent intussusceptions in identical twins within 4 years.
Key words: Intussusception, Monozygotic twin, Surgery
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