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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 9(1); 1998 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1998;9(1): 142-147.
Early Prognostic factors and New Approach to Organophosphate Poisoning
Yeong Rok Ha, Jin Ho Oh, Uk Jin Kim, Jung Pil Seo, Sung Hoon Cho, Wen Joen Chang, Ho Shik Shim
BACKGROUND: Definite criteria for determining severity of organophosphate poisoning have not been made. Discovery of the third neuromuscular syndrome, the intermediate syndrome, have made it more complicating then ever. Objectives of this study is to determine early prognostic factors of outcome and development of a new treatment algorithm. METHOD: 74 patients admitted to Severance hospital with acute organophosphate poisoning during 5 years were included. We made a protocol concerning the initial consciousness level, QTc interval, PVC, serum cholinesterase, the intermediate syndrome, total hospital, ICU day, length of ventilator support, disposition and have done a study retrospectively. Multiple regression and Chi-square was used as statistical analysis. Significant statistical P-value was 0.05.
The total hospital days were prolonged as serum cholinesterase levels were lower, the age was older and mental status graver.(p<.05) The length of ventilatory support was prolonged when patient's serum cholinesterase level was very low, they were unconscious and serum cholinesterase level not recovered to 500 IU/ml within initial 3 days. The intermediate syndrome was significantly related to the prolonged cholinesterase inhibition.
As an early prognostic factor for the length of ventilatory support in organophosphate poisoning, 1) level of concsiousness and 2) serum cholinesterase level at admission, 3) recovery to more than 500 IU/ml within initial 3 days are useful. Especially when the serum cholinesterase level is not recovered to more than 500 IU/ml within initial 3 days, it is essential to observe closely for the possibility of an intermediate syndrome.
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