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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 9(2); 1998 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1998;9(2): 271-276.
A retrospective review of the Do-Not-Resuscitate Patients
Sung Pil Chung, Cheon Jae Yoon, Jin Ho Oh, Soo Young Yoon, Wen Jeon Chang, Hahn Shick Lee
BACKGROUND: Do-Not-Resuscitate(DNR) order has been used without specific legislation commonly in hospitals of Korea. We designed this study to assess the current use of DNR order in the emergency department and to make a database for establishing a policy for DNR order, especially in ER.
We retrospectively reviewed medical records of 164 patients who expired in the emergency department of Severance hospital from Sep. 1996 to Aug. 1997. We evaluated age, sex, diagnosis, specific department involved, whether written orders were made and medical care after decision of DNR. The patients were divided into 2 groups : DNR vs CPR. To determine factors influencing DNR decision, we searched for presence of malignancy, irreversible shock, unconsciousness and chronic illness. The logistic regression analysis was used for statistical significance.
We found that 102(62.2%) out of 164 expired patients had a DNR order. But only in 59% of cases, were written DNR order on the chart. Factors which had the most influence on decision of DNR were malignancy and age. The sex, chronic illness, irreversible shock, and unconsciousness were not significant factors.
We found malignancy and old age as an important factor when DNR order had been made. But further evaluation of other factors may be necessary to establish definitely a policy for DNR order.
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