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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 9(4); 1998 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1998;9(4): 578-585.
Correlation Analysis between END-tidal CO2 Tension and Arterial CO2 Tension in Nonintubated Emergency Department Patients with Respiratory Distress
Hyung Kook Kim, Seung Hyun Park, Dong Rul Oh, Kyu Nam Park, Won Jae Lee, Du Young Hwang, Seung Pil Choi, Woon Jeung Lee, Si Kyoung Jeong, Se Kyung Kim
BACKGROUND: The end-tidal carbon dioxide tension(ETCO2) is defied as a partial pressure of carbon dioxide at the end of an exhaled breath.)he purpose of this study is to determine the correlation between ETCO2 and arterial carbon dioxide tension(PaO2) in nonintubated abated patients with respiratory distress in emergency department(ED).
A prospective non-blind study was performed in ED of our university hospitals. Participants included all nonintubated adult patients with respiratory distress requiring arterial blood gas analysis. ETCO2 was measured with a capnography monitor during tidal volume breathing. ETCO2 were recoreded at the time of arterial blood gas sampling. The correlation between ETCO2 and PaCO2 was analysed in all patients and in subgroups by simple linear regression.
Sixty patients were enrolled. In all patients, ETCO2 was 5.72mmHg lower than PaCO2 and correlated well with PaCO 2(r2=0.716). ETCO2 correlated best with PaCO2) in patients who were either acidotic or non-smoking.
ETCO2 correlate well with PaCO2 in nonintubated patients with respiratory distress in ED. ETCO2 may be sufficient to reflect PaCO2 in selected patients and obviate the need far repeat arterial blood gas determination.
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