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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 10(1); 1999 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1999;10(1): 70-77.
Evaluation of in-Hospital Cardiac Arrest According to the in-Hospital Utstein Style
Hahn Shick Lee, Sung Pil Chung, Uk Jin Kim, Soon Mee Chung, Hyung Goo Kang, Seung Ho Kim
BACKGROUND: The in-hospital 'Utstein style' is international recommended guidelines for reporting outcome data from in-hospital resuscitation events. This study was designed to evaluate the current status of in-hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR), and to provide basic data far the unified reporting guideline of resuscitation in Korea.
The patients who had received CPR in a university hospital were searched during one year period from March 1997. The variables according to the Utstein style were evaluated with review of the medical records.
During the period, 428 patients had received CPR. Excluding the patients of out-of-hospital arrest and less than 8 years, 242 were enrolled. Their initial ECG rhythms were 55 of asystole, 148 of pulseless electrical activity, and 39 of ventricular fibrillation, The spontaneous circulation was returned in 118(49%, and 48(20% were maintained more than 24 hours. Twenty-two patients(9%) were discharged with spontaneous respiration. Among the survivors, 17 had the Cerebral Performance Category of 1.
We recommend the Utstein style to report the outcome of in-hospital CPR.
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