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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 10(1); 1999 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1999;10(1): 108-115.
A Clinical Analysis of Hospitalized Patients During the Period of Flood in Ujungbu
Si Kyoung Jeong, Eun Young Rue, Dong Rul Oh, Hwan Yi, Kyoung Ho Choi, Young Min Kim, Woon Jeung Lee, Se Kyung Kim
BACKGROUND: Flood is the most common natural disaster in our country. Lots of victims occurred during the period of flood in the northern territory of Kyoungkido on August 5, 1998. We tried to describe the characteristics of the flood-related injury and illness, management and medical requirements.
We interviewed the patients admitted to 8 hospitals in Ujungbu and reviewed medical records from aug 5 to Aug 14, 1998.
There were total 102 patients, male were 52%and women were 48% Most of patients were between 30's and 60's. Most of them were minor, and less than 3%of them needed critical care. The diagnosis were laceration(39.2%, contusion(22.5%, fracture(13.7%, infectious disease(7.8%, ligament rupture(7.8%, aggravation of chronic illness(5.9%, dermatitis(2.0% and traumatic hyphema(1.0%. The laceration occurred in the foot(37.9%, lower leg(27.0%, thigh(16.2%, hand(10.8% and head(8.1%. The location of ligament injury were achilless tendon(62.5%, hand(25% and knee(12.5%. The 67.5%of flood-related laceration patients progressed cellulitis, especially in sutured wound and a typical tetanic patient was developed. Of hospitalized patients, 2 patients showed evidence of post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD).
During flood, civils have better to be educated about prevention of injury, such as wearing of shoes and clothes. Although laceration was minor, lacerated wounds should be thoroughly irrigated, debrided the margin and considered delayed closure, tetanus immunization. Reportedly, there is an increased prevalance of PTSD and depression after disasters. Therefore mental health care will be required in the future.
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