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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 10(3); 1999 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1999;10(3): 363-369.
The Study on the Chief Complaints and Completion of Referral Sheets of Patients Transferred to ER
Kwang Hwan Kim, Hwa Sik Song
We studied the contents of referral sheets of the patients transferred to DMC Emergency Center from Jan 1, 1999 to Jan 31, 1999. The study far the completion and chief complaints in the referral sheets shows the followings. 1. Examining the referral sheets status of disease, name and age record of 5 major items grade 0.92, the highest point, examining item and laboratorial record grade 0.72, dignosis record grades 0.38, and patients condition and diagnosis opinion record grade 0.10. 2, Name and age item had high completion score in referral sheets from local clinic and hospital for secondary referral level. For address item, however, local clinic scored 0.63 and hospital for secondary referral level scored 0.28, which showed statistically significant difference(P<0.001). 3. In the aspect of severity, name and age record leveled 0.94 to the non emergency patient, 0.92 to the emergency patient, 0.91 urgent patient, showed and no statistic significant difference. 4. The major 10 symptoms of the complaints were these the pain of abdomen and pelvis(25.2%), somnolence and stupor, coma(13.6%), headache(10.9%), and open wound of head(4.0%), ranked 10th common symptom level.
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