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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 10(4); 1999 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 1999;10(4): 568-578.
Clinical Analysis of the Suicidal Attempters Visiting Emergency Center
Jae Hwang Park, Dai Han Wi
BACKGROUND: To collect the data related to the clinical analysis of suicidal attempters who visited the emergency center of WonKwang University Hospital.
The authors performed a retrospective analysis of 306 suicide attempters, observed in the WonKwang University Hospital Emergency Center from January 1st, 1998 to December 31th, 1998.
1) Factors related to increased occurrence were male(1.1:1), age of 2nd, 3rd & above 6th decade. 2) Poisoning was the most common method of suicidal attempt(90.8%). 3) The average observation time was 18.76+/-23.3 hour and average staying time in admitted patients were 40.4+/-32.3 hour. 4) Mortality rate was in male 23.1%(37/160) and in female 10.0%(15/146). 5) Among the suicidal attempters who admitted, 56 patients were admission(11.8%). 6) Consultant of neuropsychiatric department was only 10.5%(18/172), and most common underlying psychiatric disorder was depression(10/18).
1) To develope observation room decrease staying time in suicidal attempters. 2) All suicidal attempters were necessarily neuropsychiatric consultant and continuously follow-up.
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