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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 11(3); 2000 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2000;11(3): 276-286.
Simultaneous Sterno-Thoracic Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Improves the Short-Term Survival Rate in Canine Cardiac Arrests
Sung Oh Hwang, Jun Hwi Cho, Ku Hyun Kang, Seong Hwan Kim, Joong Bum Moon, Kang Hyun Lee, Seung Hwan Lee, Junghan Yoon, Kyung Hoon Choe, Eun Seok Hong
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: We previously reported that, compared with standard cardiopulmonary resuscitation(S-CPR), better hemodynamic effects could be achieved by simultaneous sterno-thoracic cardiopulamonary resuscitation(SST-CPR) in which we compressed the sternum and constricted the thorax circumferentially during the systolic period by using a device. This study was designed to assess whether SST-CPR, compared with S-CPR, improve the survival rate of dogs with cardiac arrest. SUBJECTS AND
Twenty-five mongrel dogs(19~31kg) were enrolled in this study. After four minutes of ventricular fibrillation induced by an AC current, animals were randomized to resuscitate with either S-CPR(n=13) or SST-CPR(n=12). Epinephrine(1mg) was injected into the right atrium every three minutes after the beginning of CPR. Defibrillation was attempted after 6 minutes of CPR. Standard advanced cardiac life support was started if defibrillation was not successful.
SST-CPR resulted in significantly(p<0.001) higher systolic arterial pressure(91+/- 47 vs 47+/-24mmHg), diastolic pressure(43+/- 24 vs 17+/- 10mmHg), coronary perfusion pressure(35+/- 25 vs 13+/- 9mmHg), and end tidal CO2 tension(9+/- 4 vs 3+/- 2mmHg). Two of 13 animals(15%) resuscitated with S-CPR and six of 12 animals(50%) resuscitated with SST-CPR survived until 12 hours after cardiac arrest(p<0.05).
SST-CPR, compared with S-CPR, improves the short-term survival rate in canine cardiac arrests.
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