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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 12(3); 2001 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2001;12(3): 322-329.
Analysis of Medical Malpractice Claims and Future Object in the Emergency Department
Hyun Kyung Park, Sung Jun Park, Myung Cheon Kim, Young Gwan Ko
Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Kyunghee University, Korea. edkmc@chollian.net
BACKGROUND: lawsuits associated with medical troubles are increasing rapidly. Beginning with 69 cases in 1989, the annual rate of increase has reached above 36%. After the system of emergency medical specialist was born in 1995, it was expected that medical lawsuit cases would increase due to the importance of the emergency medical specialist's role to the emergent patients.
A database was established for medical lawsuits(1982~1998, n=254), and lawsuits involving the emergency department(1982~1998, n=16) were selected from that database.
In criminal cases, the prosecutor's win rate was one out of four(25%). In civil cases, the prosecutor's win rate was 8 out of 10(80%); that is, the rate was higher than in general medical cases.
To reduce the number of lawsuit following medical troubles in the emergency department, we should give careful attention and appropriate cure to patients who visit the emergency center.
Key words: Emergency department, Lawsuit, Criminal case, Civil case
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