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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 13(4); 2002 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2002;13(4): 503-507.
Efficacy and Safety of Etomidate Used as a Sedative for Rapid Sequence Intubation in the Emergency Department
Sang Cheon Choi, Gi Woon Kim, Young Gi Min, Sang Kyu Yoon, Joon Pil Cho, Yoon Seok Jung
Department of emergency medicine, Ajou university school of medicine, Suwon, Korea. ysjung@ajou.ac.kr
The purpose of this study was to estimate the efficacy and the safety of etomidate for rapid sequence intubation (RSI) in the emergency department.
A retrospective analysis by chart review was done for patients who had needed intubation in the emergency department of Ajou university hospital from July 1999 to June 2000.
Three hundred (300) patients were enrolled in this study. Etomidates were used for 170 patients and Thiopental for 130 patients. In the Etomidate group, the average systolic blood pressures (SBP) were 127.7+/-42.2mmHg prior to etomidate administration and 125.6+/-40.9mmHg after. The average diastolic blood pressures (DBP) were 78.1+/-22.4 mmHg prior to etomidate administration and 79.1+/-21.3 mmHg after. There was no significant change in blood pressure after the use of etomidate. The average intubation time was about 3.9 minutes. Eight (8) patients experienced myoclonus and three (3) of vomiting after the use of etomidate. In the thiopental group, statistically significant decreases in the average SBP and DBP were seen after the administration of thiopental sodium. Twelve (12) patients had decreased blood pressure and one (1) patient arrhythmia after Thiopental administration. The average intubation time was about 5.9 minutes.
The intubation time for etomidate group was superior to that for thiopental group. Also, in the etomidate group, no significant changes in the hemodynamic variables were noted during RSI. This study supports the efficacy and the safety of etomidate for RSI in the emergency department.
Key words: Intubation, Etomidate
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