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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 13(4); 2002 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2002;13(4): 555-559.
Analysis of Geriatric Patients' Satisfaction in Emergency Department
Jun Young Chung
Department of Emergency Medicine Dong-A University, College of Medicine, Pusan, Korea. edklo@chollian.net
To access geriatric patients' satisfaction with care in emergency center and identify factors associated with global satisfaction
Between January 1, 2002 and June 30, 2002, we performed prospective study of 1446 patients over 65 years old age. global satisfaction survey asked patients on Likert sacle(1=excellent, 5=poor). each factor dichotomized into yes versus others, except, Time parameter, and care decisions. In time parameter, dichotomized into "too long" versus others and care decisions dichotomized "no" versus others. RESULT: Totally patients number of over 65 years were 2,123 and received 1,446 cases of complete survey. Only 2% of patients answered "excellent" and 604 cases of "very good". Patients answered that they were significantly well heared by doctors(82.0%, p =0.020) and by nurses(98.1%, p=0.001).1,425 cases(98.5%) answered waiting time were too long.
To improve satisfaction in geriatric patient, physicians should be more attentive to geriatrics' concerns and questions. especially reduced long waiting time.
Key words: Geriatric patients, Satisfaction
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