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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 14(4); 2003 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2003;14(4): 353-359.
Perception of Satisfaction with Future of 119 Rescue in the View of the User
Meung Ryong Kim, Soo Hyeong Cho, Nam Soo Cho, Seong Jung Kim
Department of Emergency Medicine, Chosun University Hospital, Gwangju, Korea. chosooh@hanmail.net
In Korea, 119 rescue plays the largest role in treating emergency patients on the scene and in transferring them to the emergency department. We wanted to find out the perception of and the satisfaction with 119 rescue, as well as its future, in the view of medical service-consumers, that is, patients and their guardians.
The subjects were patients and their guardians who came to Chosun University Hospital by means of 119 rescue between July 1 and September 31, 2002. Responders were asked their age, sex, academic background and relation to the patient.
Perception and satisfaction - They recognized treatment on the scene (66.6%) rather then transport to the hospital (17.2%) as the most important duty of 119 rescue. Seventy percent answered that 119 rescue came to mind right away in an emergency situation, which reflects a high perception of 119 rescue. As to the time to arrive at the scene after a report, many people showed satisfaction (55%), answering that it was fast. Responsibility and rights - As to the question of whether they should hold 119 rescue responsible if the patient's condition is aggravated after treatment by 119, 48.9% answered that they shouldn't because 119 was acting with a good intention. Direction of future development - If the 119 services if to be improved, regular intensive training and testing (39.5%) intensive hospital experience (33.3%) and hiring 1st degree EMTs (27.2%) are believed to be necessary.
119 rescue was recognized as a comfortable and reliable means of emergency service. In general, most people were satisfied with the service provided by 119 rescue, but demanded experience with patient care.
Key words: Rescue, Perception, Satisfaction, Future
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