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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 15(2); 2004 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2004;15(2): 128-132.
A case of Severe Snake Bites of the Genus Agkistrodon for Pediatric Patients: A Case Report
Chi Young Lim, Jeong Han Lee, Tas Ill Moon, Yong Sik Chu, Tae I Ko, Suk Woo Sohn, Seong Wook Choi, Ok Jun Kim
1Department of Surgery, Shin Chon Severance Hospital, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Korea.
2Department of Emergency Medicine, Pochon CHA University, Korea. morrison71@hanmail.net
3Department of Surgery College of Medicine, Pochon CHA University, Korea.
Venomous snakes are estimated to inflict 400,000 bites annually, resulting in approximately 40,000 deaths. There are nearly 3,500 known species of snakes worldwide, and three species exist in Korea. Venom contains toxins that effect the cardiovascular system, the kidneys, the respiratory system and the muscles. There are many modalities in treating snake bites, but most of all, neutralization of the venom is the most important. however, many doctors in Korea hesitate in using antivenom. The reason is that there are no specific antivenoms against Korean venous snakes. In this case, a 2-year-old female child with a snake bite vistied our hospital Korea via a local clinic. Severe systemic symptoms and local symptoms, including compartment syndrome, were observed. When we tried antivenom, the result was satisfactory.
Key words: Snake bites, Antivenins
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