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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 15(4); 2004 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2004;15(4): 227-232.
Effect of the New Emergency Fee Schedule on the Pattern of Emergency Patients
Dong Woo Seo, Kyoung Soo Lim, Yi Sang Moon, You Dong Shon, Min Woo Jo, Won Kim, Sang Il Lee
1Department of Emergency Medicine, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.kslim@amc.seoul.kr
2Department of Preventive Medicine, University of Ulsan, College of Medicine, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea.
This study was conducted to solve the problems due to overcrowding of emergency medical centers (EMC) and to help EMCs to improve their financial status. Korean government has implemented a new emergency fee schedule into National Health Insurance (NHI). This policy is aimed at reducing non-emergent visits to EMCs. METHOD: This study was conducted to analyze the impact of the new policy by using a before-after comparison of the patterns of patients' visit to an EMC, Asan Medical Center (AMC). Data electronically recorded at the EMC of AMC were reviewed retrospectively. RESULT: The new emergency fee schedule reduced the rate of increase of non-emergent visit to EMC.
However, this policy could not succeed in limiting total number of EMC visits. It means that this pricing policy made a partial success in solving the problem of overcrowding of EMCs.
Key words: Emergency, Crowding, Korea
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