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J Korean Soc Emerg Med > Volume 16(1); 2005 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine 2005;16(1): 6-10.
The Efficacy of Early Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Bowel Obstruction
Jun Young Rho, Suk Jin Cho, Sang Lae Lee, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim, Sung Jun Kim
1Department of Emergency Medicine, Sanggye Paik Hospital, College of Medicine, Inje University, Seoul, Korea. ryuchoi64@sanggyepaik.ac.kr
2Department of Preventive Medicine, Sanggye Paik Hospital, College of Medicine, Inje University, Seoul, Korea.
The purpose of this research is to evaluate the efficacy of early computed tomography in the diagnosis and treatment of bowel obstruction.
The medical records of 108 patients who underwent CT for clinically suspected bowel obstruction were reviewed retrospectively. We compared the emergency department (ED) stay time, the rate of emergent operation, and the days of hospital treatment between two groups. Group 1 have underwent CT within 3 hours, group 2 have done after 3 hours from arrival.
After the abdominal CT, Mean ED stay time was shortened significantly. The mean ED stay time was 8.1 hours in Group 1 (n=58), and 18.0 hours in Group 2 (n=50). But We failed to reveal that the early CT is beneficial to emergent operation and total hospital time for bowel obstruction.
In patients suspected bowel obstruction, Early CT is helpful for diagnosis, treatment and can shorten the ED stay time.
Key words: Intestines, Intestinal obstruction, Computed tomography
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