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Table of Contents | April, 2015  Vol. 26  No.2   Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

Original Articles
113 Changes of One-handed Chest Compression Qualities According to Rescuer Fatigue and the Effects of Alternating Hands in the Prehospital Setting: Prospective Randomized Pilot Study using Pediatric Manikin Simulation Trial
Gun Hee Jung, Je Hyeok Oh, Chan Woong Kim, Sung Eun Kim, Dong Hoon Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):113-121.
122 Effects of Counting Chest Compressions on the Performance of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Prospective Randomized Pilot Study Using Manikin Simulation Trial
Je Hyeok Oh, Sung Eun Kim, Chan Woong Kim, Dong Hoon Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):122-128.
129 Use of Emergency Medical Services and Characteristics of Urgent and Non-Urgent Adult Patients according to the Usual Source of Care: A Korea Medical Expenditure Panel Study
Youn Suk Chai, Jae Kwang Lee, Seong Soo Park, Hyun Jin Kim, In Gu Kang, Hyun Soo Kim, Moo Sik Lee, Jee Young Hong, Mi Jin Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):129-137.
138 Compliance of a Bypassing Hospital Trauma Protocol Using the Field Triage Decision Scheme between Metropolitan VS Non-Metropolitan Emergency Medical Services
Young Hwan Choi, Ki Ok Ahn, Sang Do Shin, Kyoung Jun Song, Ju Ok Park, Wonpyo Hong, Ki Jeong Hong, Hyun Noh
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):138-148.
149 Experiences of Disaster Medical Response System in a Fire at Goyang Bus Terminal
Hankyo Chae, Gun Bea Kim, Won Nyung Park, Junseok Park, Jun Seok Seo, Inbyung Kim, Myeong Il Cha
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):149-158.
159 Comparison of Injury Patterns and Severity between Younger and Older Rider in the Motorcycle Accident
Jun Kwon Cha, Sang Chul Kim, Sang O Park, Dae Young Hong, Jong Won Kim, Kyeong Ryong Lee, Kwang Je Baek, Hyuk Jin Jeon, Sang Min Park, Jin Young Kim, Young Soo Kwak
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):159-164.
165 Analysis of Factors Affecting Length of Hospital Stay in Geriatric Patients Transferred from Long-term Care Hospitals
Jae Wook Park, Hong In Park, Myung Bo Shim, Chang Jae Lee, Jin Kun Bae, Sang Mo Je, Tae Nyoung Chung, Eui Chung Kim, Sung Wook Choi, Ok Jun Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):165-171.
172 Predictive Variables of Pneumonia Among Adult Submersion Victims without Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest
Ju Hyun Song, Jung Hee Wee, Jeong Ho Park, Kyu Nam Park, Seung Pill Choi
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):172-178.
179 Can Predict Late Encephalopathy by Diffusion Tensor Imaging in Acute Phase of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning?
Seung Jae Bang, Gap Teog Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):179-188.
189 Ultrasonography Versus MRI for Diagnosing Acute Appendicitis During Pregnancy
Pok Yeol Ryu, Sung Phil Chung, Je Sung You, Jae Eun Ku, Young Seon Joo
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):189-194.
Case Reports
195 Complete Cervical Spine Fracture in Ankylosing Spondylitis Caused by Low Speed Motor Vehicle Collision
Seong Gwan Lim, Oh Young Kwon
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):195-197.
198 Delayed Diagnosis of Pulmonary Artery Injury, Due to Blunt Trauma, which Mimicked Traumatic Lung Pseudocyst
Sung Wook Chang, Kyoung Min Ryu, Jae Wook Ryu
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):198-200.
201 Successful Linkage of 'Chain of Survival' in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Two Cases of dispatcher-assisted Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Korea
Soo Jin Kim, Ki Ok Ahn, Sung Eun Kim, Sung Phil Chung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):201-207.
208 Anaphylaxis and Acute Coronary Syndrome Secondary to Intravenous Gadolinium-based Contrast Agent: Kounis Syndrome
Hui Dong Kang, Se Hyun Oh, Sang Ku Jung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):208-211.
212 Sigmoid Colon Perforation after Laparoscopic Gynecologic Surgery: A Case Report
Yong Hun Kim, Jun Sik Yoo, Young Soo Kwak
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2015;26(2):212-214.
Editorial Office
The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
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