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The Relationship between EEG Findings and Prognosis in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients during Therapeutic Hypothermia
Gun Tak Lee, Ga Young Chung, Tae Rim Lee, Won Chul Cha, Tae Gun Shin, Min Seob Sim, Ik Joon Jo, Keun Jeong Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):1-8.
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Factors Affecting the Attachment of Automated External Defibrillator for Prehospital Cardiac Arrest Patients
Jaebyung Han, Sungwook Park, Seokran Yeom, Sangkyoon Han, Byeungki An, Suckjoo Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):9-14.
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An Association between the Inflammatory Marker and Short-term Risk of Stroke in Patients with Transient Ischemic Attack and Low ABCD2 Score
Myung Joong Kim, Chang Min Lee, Sung Hyuk Park, Woong Jung, Hyun Kyung Park, Myung Chun Kim, Young Gwan Ko
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):15-22.
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External Validation Study of San Francisco Syncope Rule Based on Standardized Reporting Guidelines for Emergency Department Syncope Risk Stratification Research
Sung Yeol Ye, Oh Young Kwon, Jong Seok Lee, Han Sung Choi, Hoon Pyo Hong, Young Gwan Ko
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):23-34.
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Prehospital Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation by 119 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) for Increasing the Rate of Return of Spontaneous Circulation; National-Wide 119 EMT Survey
Seul Ki Lee, Gi Woon Kim, Chu Hyun Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):35-45.
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Considerations for Possibility of Anti-convulsants in Prehospital Stage
Dea Jin Jeong, Ki Ok Ahn, Jun Hwi Cho, Joong Bum Moon, Chan Woo Park, Yoon Seong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):46-50.
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Degree of Satisfaction with Indirect Medical Oversight Programs to 119 Rescue Services
Chang Jae Lee, Dong Wook Je, Taei Ko, Michael Sung Pil Choe
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):51-59.
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Present Situation of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) in South Korea during the First Year
Changyeul Lee, Jinseong Cho, Hyukjun Yang, Jinju Kim, Wonbin Park, Geun Lee, Handeok Yoon, Sangwoo Oh
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):60-68.
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Family Presence during Invasive Procedures in Pediatric Emergency Department: Comparison of General Attitude of Medical Staffs and Guardians
Jieun Hwang, Young Ho Kwak, Do Kyun Kim, Jae Yun Jung, Jin Hee Lee, Hahn Bom Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):69-78.
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The Characteristics and Outcomes of Foreign Body Aspiration and Ingestion in Pediatric Patients who Visit an Emergency Department
Kyungman Cha, Sung Wook Kim, Ji Hoon Kim, Sang Hoon Oh, Se Min Choi, Kyoung Ho Choi, Seung Pill Choi
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):79-83.
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Comparison of the Clinical Characteristics of the Patients Visited in Emergency Department with Pandemic 2009 Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection during the First Three Years; An Observational Study at a Single Emergency Department
Sang Seo Nam, Byung Soo Do, Sin Youl Park, Sam Beom Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):84-89.
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The Effect of Emergency Explanation System Modified from Medical Check-up Form
Tae Young Seong, Hahn Bom Kim, Sang Hyun Park, Keun Hong Park, Su Bin Oh, Han Zo Choi, Kwang Phil Lim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):90-102.
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The Usefulness of Tablet Computer for Self-surveys of Child-bearing Aged Women Who Visit the Emergency Department with Abdominal Pain
Yongjoo Park, Jonghwan Shin, Hui Jai Lee, Kijeong Hong, Jin Hee Jung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):103-108.
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Clinical Predictors for Reproductive-aged Gynecologic Emergency Surgery Candidates Presenting to the Emergency Department with Acute Abdominal Pain
Jihwan Bu, Tae Han Kim, Jong Hwan Shin, Hui Jai Lee, Kijeong Hong, Jin Hee Jung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):109-114.
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Seizure Caused by Pulmonary Embolism: Two Cases Report and Review of the Literature
Deuk Hyun Park
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):115-119.
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Posterior Reversible Leukoencephalopathy Syndrome Following Acute Carbon Monoxide Poisoning: A Case Report
Eun Jung Park, Young Gi Min, Yoon Seok Jung, Seulki Lee, Sang Cheon Choi
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):120-123.
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A Case of Saponated Cresol Ingestion which Led to Altered Mentality, Chemical Dermal Burn, and Liver Toxicity
Sung Hyun Yun, Jin Hui Paik, Hyun Min Jung, Ji Hye Kim, Jun Sig Kim, Seung Baik Han
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):124-127.
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A Case of Appendiceal Perforation Caused by Fishbone
Dong Baek Kang, Jung Taek Oh, Won Cheol Park, Jeong Kyun Lee, Hyang Jeong Jo
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):128-131.
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An Unusual Complication of Total Parenteral Nutrition via Subclavian Vein Catheterization Masquerading as Bilateral Chylothorax
Jung Hwa Lee, Jin Yong Kim, Sang Cheol Kim, Woo Surng Lee, Yo Han Kim, Jun Sik Yu, Keun Soo Weon
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):132-136.