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Table of Contents | September, 2001  Vol. 12  No.3   Previous Issue | Next Issue | Archive
In this issue:

Original Articles
201 Ischemia-responsive Protein(irp94) Gene Expression in a Neuronal Cell Culture Model of Ischemia
Seung Hwan Kim, Young Mo Yang, Young Rok Ha, Sung Pil Chung, In Sool Yoo, In Byung Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):201-206.
207 Possibility of Dilution and Neutralization Therapy with Cold Solution in Cases of Strong Acid or Strong Alkali Ingestion
Joong Eui Rhee, Hyoung Gon Song, Dong Hoon Kim, Woon Yong Kweon, Young Ho Kwak, Gil Joon Suh, Yeo Kyu Youne
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):207-213.
214 Effects of N-acetylcysteine and Methylprednisolone on Lung Injury in a Paraquat-Poisoned Rat Model
Tae Hwan Choi, Keon Hyon Jo, Dong Rul Oh, Se Kyung Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):214-221.
222 Predicting Factors for Acute Renal Failure Induced by Rhabdomyolysis at the Early Stage of Multiple Trauma
Joong Bum Moon, Kang Hyun Lee, Sung Oh Hwang, Jin Woong Lee, Byoung Guen Han, Seung Ok Choi, Sung Joon Kang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):222-229.
230 Comparison of Triage Score and Triage-Revised Trauma Score for Triage in Emergent Trauma Patients
Kwang Won Cho, Seong Youn Hwang, Sung Man Bae
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):230-242.
243 Prognostic Value of Base Deficit in Severe Trauma Patients
Jun Dong Moon, Su Jin Kim, Chul Ku Moon, Sung Hyuk Choi, Jung Min Jun, Sung Woo Lee, Yun Sik Hong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):243-250.
251 Clinical Significance of the Triage-revised Trauma Score in the Triage of Geriatric Trauma Patients
Young Mo Yang, Young Rock Ha, Sung Pil Chung, Seung Hwan Kim, In Sool Yoo
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):251-258.
259 Clinical Analysis of the Origins of Dizziness in Patients
Weon Sik Moon, Kyung Un Jeong, Jun Seon Wee, Jeong Mi Moon, Byung Jo Jeon, Yong Kweon Kim, Jeong Il So, Jin Ho Ryoo, Tag Heo, Yong Il Min
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):259-267.
268 Related Clinical Finding Result on Complication of Tsutsugamushi Patients
Kyeong Jin Kim, Nam Soo Cho, Soo Hyeong Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):268-276.
277 Diagnostic Value of Ultrasonography for the Assessment of Sternal Fractures
Seok Ran Yeom, Jae Kwang Kim, Gun Lee, Cheol Wan Park, Hyuk Jun Yang, Sung Youl Hyun, Yong Su Lim, Wook Jin
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):277-283.
284 Usefulness of Blood Cultures in Acute Pyelonephritis
Sang Hyun Park, Mi Jin Lee, Dong Rul Oh, Se Kyung Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):284-289.
290 Comparison of Computer Tomography and Sonography in Patients Suspected of Having Appendicitis
Jeong Hun Lee, Pil Cho Choi, Min Sub Shim, Keun Jeong Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):290-297.
298 Diffusion-weighted Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Emergency Department
Sung Pil Chung, Suk Woo Lee, Young Mo Yang, Young Rock Ha, Seung Whan Kim, In Sool Yoo
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):298-304.
305 Capnographic Monitoring for Acute Asthma in the Emergency Department Setting
Dong Ik Lee, Young Ho Jin, Jae Baek Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):305-311.
312 Significance of End-Tidal Carbon-Dioxide Monitoring as a Prognostic Indicator of Successful Resuscitation During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: Analysis According to Cause of Arrest
Eun Kyung Eo, Ki Ok Ahn, Jung Yeon Kim, Young Jin Cheon, Koo Young Jung
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):312-321.
322 Analysis of Medical Malpractice Claims and Future Object in the Emergency Department
Hyun Kyung Park, Sung Jun Park, Myung Cheon Kim, Young Gwan Ko
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):322-329.
330 Analysis of Medical Service In the 1999 Turkey Earthquake
Jae Woo Kim, Seung Hyun Park, Yoon Seok Jung, Joon Pil Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):330-337.
338 Injuries and Their Complications after Urban Area Fires: The Dong-Incheon Live-Hof Restaurant Fire
Jung Ho Shin, Jae Kwang Kim, Suk Lan Yeom, Jong Hwan Shin, Sun Sik Min, Yong Su Lim, Hyuk Jun Yang, Keun Lee, Sung Yeun Hwang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):338-344.
Case Reports
345 Butterfly Vertebra: A Case Report
Seok Ran Yeom, Gun Lee, Cheol Wan Park, Hyuk Jun Yang, Sung Youl Hyun, Eell Ryoo, Wook Jin
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):345-347.
348 Subclavian Artery Aneurysm due to Takayasu's Arteritis
Nam Soo Cho, Soo Hyeong Cho, Gwang Chol Park
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):348-353.
354 Spontaneous Pneumopericardium: A case Report
Ji Young Ahn, Sang Lae Lee, Seung Hun Ahn, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):354-358.
Editorial Office
The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
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