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Prognostic factors related with outcomes in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest due to pesticide poisoning in South Korea: a nationwide population-based study
Pyunghwa Kim, Jae Guk Kim, Gu-Hyun Kang, Yong Soo Jang, Wonhee Kim, Hyun Young Choi, Yoonje Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2024;35(1):31-42.   Published online February 28, 2024
The characteristics of the patients who visited the emergency department with fever, after the chronification of COVID-19 pandemic
Yoonje Lee, Eungon Song, Chang Hae Pyo, Hyun Kyung Park, Keun Hong Park, Hahn Bom Kim, Eun Mi Ham, Jin Hyung Park, Jisun Kim, Saet Byel Kang, Moon Hwan Kwak, Dong Sun Choi, Jee Hyeon Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2023;34(3):241-248.   Published online June 30, 2023
Comparison of the intubation performance of video laryngoscopes with and without a channel during the intubation training for EMT students wearing Level-D PPE
Hyeon-Jun Jo, Yoonje Lee, Gu Hyun Kang, Yong Soo Jang, Wonhee Kim, Hyun Young Choi, Jae Guk Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2023;34(2):144-153.   Published online April 30, 2023
Emergency physician’s accuracy in interpreting electrocardiograms of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
Silim Kim, Jae Guk Kim, Hyun Young Choi, Gu Hyun Kang, Yong Soo Jang, Wonhee Kim, Yoonje Lee, Dong Geum Shin, Seongsoo Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2022;33(4):380-387.   Published online August 31, 2022
Effect of the use of a video laryngoscope and bougie on the performance of endotracheal intubation on the ground by novice prehospital caregivers: a randomized simulation study
Hyung Woo Song, Gu Hyun Kang, Yong Soo Jang, Wonhee Kim, Hyun Young Choi, Jae Guk Kim, Yoonje Lee, Tae Yong Kim, Sung Hwan Bang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2021;32(4):362-370.   Published online August 31, 2021
Effect of admission decision by emergency physicians on length of stay of emergency room and prognosis for patients diagnosed with medical diseases
Tae Yong Kim, Gu Hyun Kang, Yong Soo Jang, Wonhee Kim, Hyun Young Choi, Jae Guk Kim, Yoonje Lee, Hyung Woo Song
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2021;32(2):189-197.   Published online April 30, 2021
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