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Impact of Source of Infection on Outcome in Patients with Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock in the Emergency Department
Dong Ha Song, Minjung Kathy Chae, Sung Yeon Hwang, Sang Chan Jin, Tae Rim Lee, Won Chul Cha, Min Seob Sim, Keun Jeong Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong, Tae Gun Shin
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(5):625-631.
The Relationship between the Postreturn of Spontaneous Circulation Electrocardiogram and Coronary Angiography Finding in out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients
Jeong Hoon Lee, Min Jung Chae, Tae Rim Lee, Won Chul Cha, Tae Gun Shin, Min Seob Sim, Ik Joon Jo, Keun Jeong Song, Joong Eui Rhee, Yeon Kwon Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(5):582-588.
The Relationship between EEG Findings and Prognosis in Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Patients during Therapeutic Hypothermia
Gun Tak Lee, Ga Young Chung, Tae Rim Lee, Won Chul Cha, Tae Gun Shin, Min Seob Sim, Ik Joon Jo, Keun Jeong Song, Yeon Kwon Jeong
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2014;25(1):1-8.
A Study on Attitudes Toward and Knowledge of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation in Korean High School Students
Jae Won Suh, Ji Young Choi, Tae Rim Lee, Keun Jeong Song
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2012;23(6):901-906.
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