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Bronchial Ruptures after Blunt Trauma in Two Patients: Different Time of Diagnosis and Different Prognosis
Tae Kyung Kang, Sang Lae Lee, Suk Jin Cho, Sung Chan Oh, Hye Jin Kim, Seok Yong Ryu, Mi Jin Kang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2012;23(2):288-291.
Retrospective Validation of the San Francisco Syncope Rule for Predicting Serious Outcomes in a Korean Emergency Department
Mi Ok Shin, Tae Kyung Kang, Hye Jin Kim, Sung Chan Oh, Suk Jin Cho, Sang Lae Lee, Seok Yong Ryu
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2012;23(2):235-241.
The Influence of Wearing a Helmet on Facial Fractures Patterns in Injured Motorcycle Riders
Du Kyung Kong, Hye Jin Kim, Tae Kyung Kang, Sung Chan Oh, Suk Jin Cho, Sang Lae Lee, Seok Yong Ryu
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2012;23(2):198-203.
The Usefulness of Computed Tomography for Clinical Diagnosis of Pelvic Inflammatory Disease in an Emergency Department
Han Bin Yoo, Sukjin Cho, Hye Jin Kim, Sung Chan Oh, Sang Lae Lee, Seok Yong Ryu
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2010;21(6):825-832.
Comparison of CPR Outcomes between Autopulse TM and Manual Compression in Adult Out-of-hospital Cardiac Arrest
Gyu Keun Han, Seok Yong Ryu, Hye Jin Kim, Sang Lae Lee, Suk Jin Cho, Sung Chan Oh
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2009;20(3):256-263.
The Effect of the Body Mass Index and the Abdominal Circumference in the Diagnosis of Appendicitis using Ultrasonography
Ki Sang Roh, Sung Chan Oh, Hye Jin Kim, Suk Jin Cho, Sang Lae Lee, Seok Yong Ryu
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2009;20(2):192-198.
The Effect of S-100B Protein and Risk Factors on Indication of Cranial Computed Tomography in Patients with Minor Head Injury
Seung Chan Ahn, Seok Yong Ryu, Suk Jin Cho, Sang Lae Lee, Sung Chan Oh, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2008;19(3):303-312.
Clinical Analysis of Facial Bone Fractures
Seung Won Lee, Seok Yong Ryu, Suk Jin Cho, Sang Lae Lee, Sung Chan Oh, Sung Jun Kim, Ji Young Ahn, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(3):241-249.
Effect of Alcohol on Base Deficit in Trauma
Tae Kyung Kang, Sang Lae Lee, Seok Yong Ryu, Suk Jin Cho, Sung Chan Oh, Sung Jun Kim, Ji Young Ahn, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2007;18(3):234-240.
Utility of Radiologic Imaging for Patients who underwent Appendectomy
Sung Chan Oh, Seok Yong Ryu, Sung Jun Kim, Sang Lae Lee, Suk Jin Cho, Mi Ran Kim, Sung Eun Kim, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2006;17(2):165-169.
Spontaneous Splenic Rupture Secondary to a Metastatic Gastric Carcinoma
Jun Young Rho, Seok Young Ryu, Suk Jin Cho, Sang Lae Lee, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2005;16(1):218-220.
Dunbar's syndrome (Celiac Artery Compression Syndrome): A Case Report
Jun Young Rho, Sung Chan Oh, Sang Lae Lee, Suk Jin Cho, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2005;16(1):207-209.
Impact of the Level on the Resuscitation of Prehospital Cardiac Arrest Patients
Se Jin Kim, Suk Jin Cho, Sang Lae Lee, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim, Sung Jun Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2005;16(1):99-103.
The Efficacy of Early Computed Tomography in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Bowel Obstruction
Jun Young Rho, Suk Jin Cho, Sang Lae Lee, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim, Sung Jun Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2005;16(1):6-10.
Solitary Adrenal Hemorrhage in Blunt Abdominal Trauma: A case report
Se Jin Kim, Sung Chan Oh, Sang Lae Lee, Suk Jin Cho, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2004;15(4):308-310.
Unusual Cause of Chest Pain: Spinalcord Infarction: A Case Report
Se Jin Kim, Sang Lae Lee, Suk Jin Cho, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2004;15(1):51-53.
Clinical Value of BNP (B-type natriuretic peptides) in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction
Mi Ran Kim, Sung Chan Oh, Sang Lae Lee, Seok Jin Cho, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim, Sung Jun Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2003;14(5):588-596.
Brugada Syndrome Presenting With Convulsion in the Emergency Department: A Case Report
Mi Ran Kim, Sang lae Lee, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Youg Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2003;14(2):202-205.
Hypotension Caused by a Disulfiram-Alcohol Reaction
Sang Lae Lee, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2002;13(4):575-577.
Spontaneous Pneumoretroperitoneum
Sang Lae Lee, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2002;13(4):560-563.
Diagnostic Value of the Triage(R) Cardiac System for Acute Myocardial Infarction: Comparison with Established Devices
Sang Lae Lee, Mi Ran Kim, Jun Young Rho, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim, Sung Jun Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2002;13(4):497-502.
Spontaneous Pneumopericardium: A case Report
Ji Young Ahn, Sang Lae Lee, Seung Hun Ahn, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(3):354-358.
Prognostic Factors for the Hyperosmolar Nonketotic State
Sung Hun An, Yang Won Kim, Mi Ran Kim, Heon Chul Jin, Ji Young An, Sang Lae Lee, Seok Yong Ryu, Hong Yong Kim, Sung Jun Kim, Gwon Byung Lee, Kyung Hwan Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2001;12(2):127-134.
Effect of IV Saline or Glucose Solution Load on the Clearance of Alcohol in Acute Alcohol Intoxication
Won Yul Kim, Sang Lae Lee, Ji Young Ahn, Seung Hun Ahn, Seok Yong Ryu, Kyung Hwan Kim, Hong Yong Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2000;11(3):352-361.
Needs for Appraisal of the Quality of Prehospital Patient's Care and for Reeducation
Seok Yong Ryu, Won Yul Kim, Kyung Hwan Kim, Sang Lae Lee, Kyung Ho Lee, Hong Yong Kim, Seung Han Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2000;11(2):151-161.
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