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Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
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Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
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Comparison of Injury Patterns and Severity between Younger and Older Rider in the Motorcycle Accident
Jun Kwon Cha, Sang Chul Kim, Sang O Park, Dae Young Hong, Jong Won Kim, Kyeong Ryong Lee, Kwang Je Baek, Hyuk Jin Jeon, Sang Min Park, Jin Young Kim, Young Soo Kwak
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Injury to the Abdominal Aorta from a Seat Belt in a Frontal Motor Vehicle Collision
Jin Young Kim, Sang Chul Kim, Kang Hyun Lee, Jae Wan Lee, Ick Hee Kim, Keun Soo Weon, Kwang Je Baek
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Analysis of Accident Mechanisms in Unhelmeted Motorcycle Accident Victims
Sang Chul Kim, Jae Wan Lee, Duk Hwan Ko, Kwang Je Baek, Ho Sung Jung, Sang O Park, Dae Young Hong, Kyeong Ryong Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
A Novel Method for Delivery of an Appropriate Rate of Ventilation During Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation with a Placement of Advanced airway: Setting a Compression Numbers to Ventilation Ratio
Chang Hoon Lee, Kyeong Ryong Lee, Kwang Je Baek, Dae Young Hong, Ho Sung Jung, Sang Chul Kim, Sang O Park
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Pilot Study on Construction of a Database for In-depth Analysis of Occupant Injury and Vehicle Damage of Domestic Motor Vehicle Crash Accidents
Sang Chul Kim, Kang Hyun Lee, Won Joon Lee, Hyung Yun Choi, Ho Jung Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Injury Data Comparison between National and Local Emergency Centers in Korea
Mao Lung Sun, Sang Chul Kim, Ho Sung Jung, Yun Kwon Kim, Jin Young Kim, Nam Ho Kim, Hun Jong Chung, Yang Ju Tak, Wen Joen Chang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Three Cases of Traumatic Pulmonary Pseudocysts in Old Age
Sang Chul Kim, Woo Sung Lee, Yo Han Kim, Yun Kwon Kim, Jin Young Kim, Nam Ho Kim, Ho Sung Jung, Yu Shik Shim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
The Effect of Informational Handouts on Patient Satisfaction for Emergency Medical Service
Sang Chul Kim, Young Min Kim, Kyeong Ryong Lee, Kwang Je Baek, Ho Sung Jung, Jae Dong Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
What is the Appropriate Level of Electrocardiography Education Needed for Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) Students?
Sang Chul Kim, Gi Woon Kim, Yeon Ho You, Yang Ju Tak, Jin Hue Kim, Sung Oh Hwang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Development and Validation of a Prediction Model for the Number of Patients Visiting Emergency Departments
Jeong Eun Kim, Sang Do Shin, Chang Bae Park, Kang Hyun Lee, Sang Chul Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Prospective Multi-center Evaluation and Outcome of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for Victims of Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Seoul
Beom Kyu Cho, Sang Chul Kim, Hyun Kim, Mi Jin Lee, Yong Min Kim, Kyung Ryoung Lee, Han Sung Choi, Keun Jeong Song, In Cheol Park, Sung Pil Chung, Eun Kyung Eo, Ji Young Yoo, Tai Ho Im, Tai Ho Rho, Kang Hyun Lee, Sung Oh Hwang
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
An Outbreak of Caowu-intoxication after Drinking Home-brewed Alcohol
Sang Chul Kim, Young Rock Ha, Young Sik Kim, Ho Jung Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Korean Multicenter Study of Te tanus Antibody Titer (KoMUST)
Ho Jung Kim, Gu Hyun Kang, Gi Woon Kim, Sang Chul Kim, Young Sik Kim, Chun Ho Kim, Hee Cheol Ahn, Se Hyun Oh, Yoo Sang Yoon, Kang Hyun Lee, Sam Woo Lee, Jae Bae Lee, Jin Woong Lee, Tai Ho Im, Jae Bong Chung, Soo Hyeong Cho, Kwang Won Cho, Jun Hwi Cho, Jin Kyung Cho, Michael SungPil Choi, En Seok Hong, Yong Hwa Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Accuracy of Emergency Physician's Ultrasonography in the Diagnosis of Acute Appendicitis
Han Ho Do, Jae Chul Kim, Ju Hyon Kim, Sang Chul Kim, Tae Yong Shin, Young Sik Kim, Young Rock Ha
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Clinical Study of Anaphylactic Patients with Bee stings Who Visited the Emergency Department
Jae Chul Kim, Sang Chul Kim, Young Sik Kim, Chu Hyun Kim, Han Ho Do, Bu Soo Lee, Hyun Sul Im
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Accuracy of Echocardiography in the Emergency Medicine Department
Chu Hyun Kim, Young Sik Kim, Young Rock Ha, Sang Chul Kim, Han Ho Do, Jae Chul Kim, Tae Yong Shin, Sang Gyun Cho, Kwan Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Prognostic Value of an Initial Strong Ion Gap in Critically Ill Patients at the Emergency Department
Sang Chul Kim, Young Rock Ha, Young Sik Kim, Chu Hyun Kim, Jae Chul Kim, Han Ho Do, Tae Yong Sin, Chan Yeong Go, Sung Jun An
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Clinical Value of a Video Otoscope in Diagnosis of Acute Otitis Media
Sang Chul Kim, Young Rock Ha, Young Sik Kim, Chu Hyun Kim, Jae Chul Kim, Han Ho Do, Tae Yong Sin
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Tissue Adhjesive Versus Simple Suture for Wound Management in Children under 5 Years of Age in the Emergency Department
Ho Jung Kim, Young Rock Ha, Young Sik Kim, Joo Hyun Kim, Sang Chul Kim, Jae Chul Kim, Han Ho Do
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Diagnostic Value of Elevated Liver Transaminase in Hemodynamically Stable Patients with Blunt Abdominal Trauma
Chu Hyun Kim, Young Sik Kim, Sang Chul Kim, Ho Jung Kim, Sun Man Kim, Boo Soo Lee
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.