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Author :
Yongchul Cho 5 Articles
527 The impact of rescuer’s posture on quality of chest compressions in hospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation: a randomized crossover mannequin study
Galam Jeon, Yongchul Cho, Hongjoon Ahn, Wonjoon Jeong, Yeonho You, Jungsoo Park, Kihyuk Joo
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2020;31(6):527-533.   Published online December 30, 2020
221 Preliminary study on diagnosis of acute scrotum using point-of-care ultrasonography by novice emergency residents: a comparison with conventional ultrasonography
Kipum Kim, Kwanjae Kim, Changjoo An, Junyoung Jung, Wonjoon Jeong, Changshin Kang, Sekwang Oh, Sunguk Cho, Jinhong Min, Yongchul Cho, Hongjoon Ahn, Jungsoo Park, Seung Ryu, Yeonho Yoo, Seunghwan Kim
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2020;31(2):221-227.   Published online April 30, 2020
636 Does the direction of J-tip of the guide-wire influence the misplacement of subclavian catheterization?
Changshin Kang, Sunguk Cho, Hongjoon Ahn, Jinhong Min, Wonjoon Jeong, Seung Ryu, Segwang Oh, Seunghwan Kim, Yeonho You, Jungsoo Park, Jinwoong Lee, Insool Yoo, Yongchul Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2018;29(6):636-640.   Published online December 31, 2018
663 The influence of the decision making time by using point-of-care creatinine in patients with acute abdomen
Younhyuk Choi, Sunguk Cho, Hongjoon Ahn, Jinhong Min, Wonjoon Jeong, Seung Ryu, Segwang Oh, Seunghwan Kim, Yeonho You, Jinwoong Lee, Jungsoo Park, Insool Yoo, Yongchul Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2018;29(6):663-670.   Published online December 31, 2018
364 The method to reduce the malposition rate via reposition of guidewire with ultrasound guidance in the central venous catheterization
Taewook Kang, Sunguk Cho, Hongjoon Ahn, Jinhong Min, Wonjoon Jeong, Seung Ryu, Segwang Oh, Seunghwan Kim, Yeonho You, Jinwoong Lee, Jungsoo Park, Insool Yoo, Yongchul Cho
Journal of The Korean Society of Emergency Medicine. 2018;29(4):364-370.   Published online August 31, 2018
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